

A Diverse Curriculum

Series: Turbulence

Link to sermon video: A Diverse Curriculum - T Siverd


Sermon By Terry Siverd / August 09, 2020 / Cortland  Church of Christ


Throughout the month of August all are invited to join us for a two-pronged reading assignment.  Read one chapter from the book of Proverbs (31 chapters, one for each day of the month).  Also read one psalm per day (from a collection of 150).

Many of our households are seeing children & grandchildren and/or nieces & nephews beginning to gear up for the start of another year of school.  One of the preliminary discussions that takes place during the early days of this re-enlistment period is deciding on the subjects to be studied.  Depending on how far along one is in his or her schooling, some classes are required while others are optional.  A typical semester frequently reflects diversity - - different strokes for different folks.  Betina and her boys, who have been with us throughout June & July, were scheduled to fly back to Arizona last Tuesday, but on Monday they opted to delay their return trip by one month.  This decision was made based on COVID conditions in Arizona and their start-up plans for school.  Consequently, Albert and George have begun their academic year from afar - - engaging in virtual online classes.  They will be in classes three hours per day for three days a week. Albert will study English, Calculus, Economics, Law & Public Safety, Chemistry and Business Management.  George will study Literature & Composition, Physics, French, Math Analysis, Engineering and Culinary.

As we continue our virtual sermons via livestreaming and online accessibility to weekly essays, we, too, will hopefully be blessed with a good measure of diversity in our studies.  In keeping with our “upside-down” world, we're continuing with our series we've labeled, Turbulence.

Over the next several weeks our Bible lessons will tap into the Old Testament book of Proverbs.


It's a goldmine filled with nuggets of truth that can help us navigate our topsy-turvy world.  The book of Proverbs is a monolithic volume, in the sense that all of its admonitions come from God.  But it is also exceptionally diverse in that it address a wide-variety of topics and concerns.  The broader picture is that of a father metaphorically introducing his sons to a beautiful lady called Wisdom.  See, for example, Prov.1:2 & 20-21;  4:5-6;  5:1;  8:1  and  9:1 & 10.  In many respects, this proverbial lady Wisdom foreshadows the grace and truth taught by Jesus.  Early on, John's gospel declares (Jn.1:14) - - The WORD became flesh and dwelt among us, an we beheld His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace & truth.  Regarding lady wisdom's connection with the pre-incarnate Christ, carefully read Prov. 8:22ff.

The curriculum that Jesus taught His pupils (the word disciples means learner or student), included some advanced courses on specialized topics (eschatology, for example).   However, much of what Jesus taught was/is reminiscent of the proverbs.  Have you ever read Jesus' sermon on the mount lately?  cf. Mt.5, 6 & 7.  It is filled with practical studies covering diverse topics like:   anger … adultery … making vows … turning the other cheek … loving one's enemies … avoiding hypocrisy … praying for those who persecute you … fasting … laying up treasures on earth … anxiety … judging others … and learning to be discerning - - a few of the sub-topics within Jesus' sermon. 

As we collectively read and study from Proverbs throughout August and perhaps September, we will notice that it also displays considerable diversity  and variety in the sub-topics offered under this overarching canopy called Wisdom.  In his book on Proverbs, Making Life Work:  Putting God's Wisdom Into ActionBill Hybels uses chapter headings as sub-categories of proverbs.  They include topics like:  take initiative ... do good … develop discipline … speak truth … choose friends wisely … marry well … forge strong families … cultivate compassion … manage anger … and trust God in everything.  We'll elaborate on many of these sub-topics in the weeks to come.

Proverbs pictures a devoted and nurturing father attempting to play match-maker by introducing his sons to the most lovely mate they could ever acquire - - to weld or wed themselves to God's wisdom.  Set aside for a moment the masculinity implied in the verbiage, it works for daughters as well as sons.  THE IMAGE IS THAT OF A LOVING FATHER GIVING WISE INSTRUCTION TO HIS CHILDREN.  Proverbs is a ancient journal that modern-day daddy's would be smart to study and imitate.  Maybe a good litmus test for how you're doing as a dad, is to ask yourself the question, Am I “homeschooling” my beloved children in a way similar to what we see in Proverbs?  I'm not referring here to a technical level of “homeschooling”.  What we are talking about is dads and moms who school their children in God's wisdom AT HOME.  Parents must not farm out all instruction to teachers in their kid's schools.  Christian parents have an obligation to weave together God's wisdom with secular education.  Christian dads and moms cannot (with God's approval) delegate or relegate to others their all-important role as God's chosen mentors for their children.  This responsibility to be the chief caregivers and primary instructors belongs to dads and moms first and foremost.  Neither can parents and grandparents abdicate their charge to be the ringleader in teaching their  children the word of God to Sunday school instructors or children's bible time leaders or camp counselors, youth ministers, preachers, or anybody else in their church family.  If the book of proverbs teaches us anything it is surely that dads and moms are the primary movers and shakers in the passing on of God's wisdom to the hearts and minds of their children.

Some of you parents have gotten this message loud and clear and are excelling and we applaud you.  Others need to wake up and get serious with this all-important work:  to have family Bible studies; read the Scriptures aloud together; talk about the teachings of God; pray together about practicing God's wisdom and memorize together important Bible verses.  

Please take time to read my accompanying essay, An Uptick In Homeschoolingposted with today's sermon on our church website.

Dear God,  Help us to see You as the fountain of all wisdom; to cherish the Scriptures; to study the Bible and to memorize key passages so as to integrate Your Word into our daily living.  Help us to live Your Word.   Through Jesus, who taught us that man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God, we pray.  Amen. 

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