

Family Matters - 7/21/24

FAMILYMATTERS - -  July 21, 2024

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The wearing of face masks is optional.

Sunday Bible Classes for all ages at 9:15AM

Sunday Morning Worship at 10:00AM

Wednesday Bible Study at 6:30PM


Larry’s Sermon title for today is:

  “Victory in the Midst of Adversity” (James 1:12-15)


According to James, it is the “testing of your faith that produces steadfastness” (James 1:3).   The inspired writer also tells us to “count it all joy…when you meet trials of various kinds” (James 1:2).   The end result is believers are made “perfect and complete, lacking in nothing” (James 1:4).  Some of the ‘testing’ comes in the form of various “temptations” that are “common to man” (I Cor. 10:13).  The Greek word peirasmos is translated as “trial, test, and temptation” in various passages and the relationship between ‘testing’ and ‘temptation’ is that both aspects are related to the believers stance and faithfulness to overcome whatever the circumstances or situation may be.  

James also diagrams the process of how our thoughts in various areas of temptation leads down the pathway of sin which produces the final result of “death” (James 1:14, 15).  It is God’s will that His people would endure the trials and temptations through “faithfulness unto death” (Rev. 2:10) in order to receive the “crown of life”—forever in God’s presence.  It is our continual, daily trust in God that brings the ultimate victory into our lives.


In Our Prayers

Please keep John Ramsey in prayer.

He has early stage kidney cancer and was to have undergone a partial nephrectomy on Wednesday. Debbie Rathburn, cancer (co-worker of Keith), Amy Rossi, Ray Lee, Steve Rowe, Elsie Marra,  

Linda Chopic, Lee Simpson, Brenda,Tracy & Patrick Hood, John Clark, Tom Kennedy, Brian Wood, Harold White, Justin & Amber Smith, Belinda Collier, Pam & Lucas Wildman, Richard Maas, 

Anna Kakoulides-Richards & Family, Marge Ullom, The Rossi Family, Kevin Chester, Hannah Griffin, Harvey Lutz, Gary Richards, Jack David Jones, Dave Corp,  Ed & Beth Stevens, Mary Summit, 

Jason Rickard, Vern Martin, Eric Alfred, Margi Paukovich, Dave Wood, Stan Owen, Betty Browning, 

Alice Jean Stone, Mary Stottlemyer,  Art Bangert,  Rob & Beatriz Espinosa

The community of East Palestine.

All who are suffering in wars (Mideast and Russian/Ukraine).


Happy Birthday  & Anniversary!

Gabriella Chester (7/21), Phyllis Flask (7/31), Ed Anderson (8/1), Justin Smith (8/6),

Linda Siegle (8/8), Vic & Deb Rossi (A. 8/12), Jill Woods (8/17), Betty Pascute (8/24), Roseann Kennedy (8/25) Charleigh Wildman (8/31)


Vital Signs: Week of July 14, 2024 Attendance (26/51) Offering $921 (avg. over 28 weeks $1354)


There will be a Baby Shower for Kacey Koehler here at the building on 

Sunday, Aug. 11 from 2-4. Kacey is registered at Target & Amazon. 

See Margi to RSVP.


We are collecting non-perishable food items. Cereal, Canned soup, stew,

 boxed scalloped potatoes, mac & cheese, Kool-aid , canned fruit, tuna, noodles, 

canned vegetables, pasta, and sauce. Other items, dish soap, toilet paper, paper towels.

We are looking for household items (dishes, pots, pans, and other kitchen items) furniture, lamps etc. 


2024 Northeast Ohio Area Churches of Christ

Friday Night Sing Schedule

Starting time is 7:00 PM

July 26th Toledo Rd. Lorain, 5075 Toledo Rd., Lorain

Aug. 2nd  Medina, 295 Forest Meadows  Dr. Medina

Aug. 9th  Cadiz, 137 E. Warren St., Cadiz 

Aug. 16th Hanoverton, 9833 OH Rt. 9, Hanoverton

Aug. 23rd Windham, 9837 Wolf Rd., Windham

Aug. 30th North Hill, 897 Columbia Ave. Akron

Sept. 6th Wadsworth, 236 W. Good Ave. Wadsworth


 Women are meeting every Wednesday at Perkins on Elm Road at 10AM.



Jared Cash, Ryan McCord, Scott McQuain, Allison Montgomery, Patrick Passewitz, Jason Pratscher, Abraham & Ruben Walley, Jorge Aros Buelna, James Mitchell, Dylan Wood, Olivia Wood.


If you have  news for the Family Matters please call Roseann  330 394-2188, or 330-240-4643  email:

Please note: I am not on Face Book.


For more detailed information see our web site at