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Family Matters - 10/13/24

FAMILYMATTERS - -  October 13, 2024

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The wearing of face masks is optional.

Sunday Bible Classes for all ages at 9:15AM

Sunday Morning Worship at 10:00AM

Wednesday Bible Study at 6:30PM


Larry’s sermon title for today is: Matters of Life and Death VIII

Do We have GENUINE Life?

(John 5:24-27)


There was a slogan several years ago that said, ”Life begins at 30…” meaning the quality of life comes along in the transition and level of maturity that happens over the course of time.   However, when does “eternal life” begin?  The believers in the first century, between the Cross and the “end of the age” (Matt. 24:3) lived in the time of earnest expectation with the “hope of eternal life” (Titus 1:2) and the “hope of righteousness” (Gal. 5:5) that was taking them “out of faith” (as determined by the Old Covenant) “into faith” (as determined by the New Covenant (Rom. 1:17), from “glory to glory” (II Cor. 3:18) as they were being transformed into the “image of His Son” (Rom. 8:29).  Each believer who enterd “into Christ” (Rom. 6:3-5; Gal. 3:26, 27) experiences the individual transformation “out of death into life” (John 5:24) as we grow in our daily walk with the Lord.  Our stance with God is not merely, a “hope so” proposition because we can know in the innermost parts of our being that we have, as a present possession “all spiritual blessings in the heavenly places in Christ” (Eph. 1:3), equipped with “all things that pertain to life and godliness” (II Pet. 1:3) through which we are “make partakers of the divine nature” (II Pet. 1:4).  We can know that our life is more than what we experience in this physical realm, it ushers us into the “land of the living” (Psa. 27:13).


In Our Prayers

Larry Pierson, Marguerite Wildman (Ron’s mom) is at Lake Vista for rehab, John Clark,  

Terry Siverd, Tracy & Brenda Hood, Bob & Karen Duncan, Debbie Rathburn, Betty Pascute,

John Ramsey, Lucas Wildman, Amy Rossi, Ray Lee, Elsie Marra, Lee Simpson, Brenda Collier,  Patrick Hood,  Amber Smith,  Richard Maas, Marge Ullom, Anna Kakoulides-Richards & Family,

 Ed & Beth Stevens,  Vern Martin, Eric Alfred, Margi Paukovich, Dave Wood, Alice Jean Stone, 

Mary Stottlemyer,  Art Bangert.

 All who are suffering in wars (Mideast and Russian/Ukraine).

All those affected by the recent hurricanes .


Happy Birthday  & Anniversary!

Ron Wildman (10/17), Tracy Hood (10/28), Marge Ullom (10/29)


Vital Signs: Week of Oct. 6, 2024  Attendance (30/43) Offering $2161 (avg. over 40 weeks $1296)


Join us after worship today for our second Sunday covered dish luncheon.


There will be a “Bridal Tea” for Olivia Wood on Nov. 3rd. Please see the invitation on the back table for more details.


Don’t forget that we have Wednesday evening bible study starting at 6:30. If your not already attending, join us for a midweek study of God’s word.


We are collecting non-perishable food items. Cereal, Canned soup, stew, boxed scalloped potatoes, mac & cheese, Kool-aid , canned fruit, tuna, noodles, canned vegetables, pasta, and sauce.


 Women are meeting every Wednesday at Perkins on Elm Road at 10AM.



Jorge Aros will be deployed at sea for 2 month. Please keep him in your prayers.

Scott McQuain, Jorge Aros Buelna, James Mitchell, Dylan Wood, Olivia Wood.


Inspirational Thought for the Day:

Sometimes... the best thing you can do for someone is pray for them and let God do for them what you can’t.


If you have  news for the Family Matters please call Roseann  330 394-2188, or 330-240-4643  email: kbigmommak@aol.com

Please note: I am not on Face Book.


For more detailed information see our web site at cortlandcoc.org