

How the World Misses the Gospel

Link to sermon video: How the World Misses the Gospel - L Siegle

“How the World Misses the Gospel”

(Matt. 7:15-23)


Thesis:  The world misses the gospel because of how we confuse their concept of who God is and what God has done.



1.  The title of this message is, “How the World Misses the Gospel”.  

2.  The book, Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes (2012).

     a.  The book explores cultural blinders that have arisen from within our

          ‘Western worldview’ as the primary lenses through which we have read and

          interpreted the Scriptures.

     b.  The most common concept is that the Bible was written to us and that

          everything found within the Scriptures applies to our lives personally.

          1)  For just $139.00 Your Personalized Bible will insert your first name,

               last name, into over 7,000 verses where the pronoun “I” or “My” occurs

               in the text, (eg.  “The Lord is LARRY’S Shepherd…” (Psa. 23:1).  Your

               Word is a light to LARRY’S path and a light to LARRY’S feet” (Psa.


          2) This is a “feel good” approach that makes everything personal as though God is talking directly to me…

     c.  The problem is that this concept is foreign to the Scriptures.

     d.  The Bible was not written to us, but rather it was written for us.

3.  As the authors of this book relate, cultural bias is quite problematic and

     therefore, it is vital that we ‘rethink’ how we read, study, and understand,

     the Word of God.

4.  After 2,000 years, the gospel has become hidden by various presuppositions

     and misconceptions.


1.  The present war in the Middle East that is raging between Israel and Hamas

     is ample evidence that people are missing the point of what the Bible actually


2.  Since October 7, 2023, hundreds of organized “protests” have been organized

     and have taken place all over the world either in support of Israel or in

     support of Hamas--disagreement exists even among believers who are

     ‘choosing’ one side over the other.

     a.  The establishment of the “modern” State of Israel in 1948 came along with

          the rise of Zionism and the belief that this would somehow be the

          fulfillment of Bible prophecy--that a “new” temple will be rebuilt,

          followed by a period of ‘great tribulation’ and conversion of Israel into the

          acceptance of Jesus as their Messiah, after a physical ‘rapture’ of the

          church, and the ‘second coming’ of Christ and a literal ‘thousand years’

          Millennium…followed by a ‘forever happily ever after’ eternity.

     b.  Hamas--is defined as the “Islamic Resistance Movement” and there are

          many living in Palestine that see the events that began on October 7th as

          the means of “liberation” for the Palestinian people.

     c.  This political tension in the region has existed for decades and people on

          both sides have suffered untold atrocities.


1.  The vast majority of Christendom has ‘bought into’ the Zionist notion and

     belief that the Israeli “State” that now exists is identical to what is

     considered Biblical Israel in the Scriptures.

     a.  The gospel becomes convoluted in the midst of the political and Zionist

          notions and the result is that people have taken their eyes off of the

          central intent and focus of God’s “purpose of the ages” (Eph. 3:11).

2.  The Bible is simply divided into two categories, “natural” and “spiritual” (I

     Cor. 15:46).

     a.  The OT was the time of the “promises made to the fathers” (Rom. 15:8).

     b.  The “natural” aspect of Scripture covers the period of time from Adam to

          Christ (Gen. 3:15; 12:1-3).

     c.  God established the twelve tribes of Israel for a specific purpose to be

          accomplished--to bring Christ into the world of humanity to bring about

          redemption, reconciliation, and restoration of the RELATIONSHIP

          that had been lost “in Adam”

3.  The “gospel of Christ” (Rom. 1:16) is the “message of the cross” (I Cor. 1:18),

     His “death of the cross” (Phil. 2:8)--the GOAL of which was bring the

     “believing” (Heb. 11) out of the “natural” aspect and into the “spiritual” as the

     ultimate fulfillment of what had been promised.

     a.  The Old Covenant was a “parenthesis” in time when God used His people

          (natural Israel) to demonstrate that man simply cannot perform enough

          “good works” to somehow deserve restoration of relationship with God

          (Rom. 3:19-24).

     b.  The purpose of God was to break down the wall of division that existed

          between Jew/Gentile (Eph. 2:13-19).

          1)  Those who enter, through the “message of the cross” (I Cor. 1:18) into

               the New Covenant by “the faith” are made ONE “in Christ” (Gal. 3:26-


          2) The nation and natural “seed” of Israel in whatever form it takes has

               nothing whatsoever to do with what God has accomplished through


          3) All of this “end of the world” preaching and teaching that is going on

               today simply confuses and obscures what Christ came to accomplish.

     c.  Jesus is not going to show up any day now to rescue humanity, rapture the

          church, and transform the modern State of Israel--it is a concept that is

          foreign to the Scriptures and only takes away our focus from who Christ is

          and all that He has done.


1.  Those who come to Christ upon the basis of faith and obedience to the true

     gospel experience the reality of resurrection-life right here and right now.

2.  The gospel is not about physical bodies in physical graves coming out and

     going up to meet Him in the air.

     a.  When we hear and respond to the gospel of Christ we, at that very

          moment in time pass “out of death” and “into life” (John 5:24).

     b.  At the moment of baptism “into Christ” we are “raised to walk in newness

          of life” (Rom. 6:3-5).

          1)  People want to divide “resurrection” into two separate events,

               spiritual now, and physical later.

          2) Jesus said “I am the resurrection and the life” (John 11:25).--


     b.  The “general resurrection” to bring the dead “in Adam” out of Sheol/Hades

          took place at the “end of the age” (Matt. 24:3) in the first century.

     c.  Resurrection-life continues as we participate in what Christ accomplished

          (II Cor. 5:17, 21).

3.  The world needs to hear the truth in order to take their eyes off of the physical and to focus instead of the spiritual realities of all that God has

     done for us in Christ.


1.  It is human nature to allow cultural bias to have a negative effect on how we

     read, study and understand the Scriptures.

2.  There is a certain aspect of “excitement” that goes along with what we used to

     refer to as “newspaper exegesis”--looking at the latest news story and looking

     to see how close we are to the “end of the world”

3.  If you want to sell a million books, just sit down and write about an Antichrist

     that now is lurking in the bushes waiting to appear and deceive the whole

     world (plenty of Hollywood movies about this sinister character).

4.  Only when we accept and understand the difference between the natural

     and the spiritual as it relates to the Scriptures will the world come to fully

     appreciate the reality of who God is and what He has done.

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