

Family Matters - 1/12/25

FAMILYMATTERS - -  January 12, 2025

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The wearing of face masks is optional.

Sunday Bible Classes for all ages at 9:15AM

Sunday Morning Worship at 10:00AM

Wed. Devotional/Bible Study 6:30PM on hold until March.


Larry’s sermon title for this week is:

Discipleship and Evangelism II

The Second Exodus II

Romans 15:4-7

When comparing the events of Israel and the Old Covenant with what Christ accomplished in the first century, it is amazing to see the prophetic correspondence between what was ‘pictured’ and what became the reality for believers during what is referred to as the ‘Second Exodus’ of forty years from the Cross to the “end of the age” (Matt. 24:3).  We cannot know who we are or what we have “in Christ” without taking these things into serious consideration.  The first century believers were encouraged to pay attention to the things that had been written in the Old Testament (Rom. 15:4) that were giving them a sense of “hope” during the time of persecution taking place then (Gal. 4:21-31).  All of the things that had occurred during the time of deliverance from Egypt were recorded to give hope and to help believers to remain steadfast in the time of trial (I Cor. 10:11-13).


We have the vantage point of seeing the accomplishment of the “promises made to the fathers” (Rom. 15:8) in bringing fulfillment and completeness for them and the benefits that remain for those of us now living 2,000 years later.   God’s goodness to His people is everywhere present.


In Our Prayers

 Joe & Ginny Daniels, Linda Chopic, Kacey Kohler, Bob Duncan, Soni Lee, John Clark,

 Marguerite Wildman, Sharlene Stewart, Donna White, Tracy, Brenda & Patrick Hood,

 Debbie Rathburn, Betty Pascute, John Ramsey, Lucas Wildman, Amy Rossi, Elsie Marra,

 Lee Simpson, Belinda Collier, Amber Smith, Richard Maas, Marge Ullom, Ed & Beth Stevens, 

Vern Martin, Eric Alfred, Margi Paukovich, Dave Wood, Alice Jean Stone, 

Mary Stottlemyer, Art Bangert.

 All who are suffering in wars (Mideast and Russian/Ukraine).

All in the California wildfires.0


Happy Birthday & Anniversary!

Gabriel Stepanianov (1/15), Lee Simpson (1/16), Fayette Phillips (1/20),

Anna Richards (1/24), Steve & Phyllis Flask (A. 1/25), Gale Wheeler, Kruze Wildman (1/28)


Our annual meeting to elect Trustees was postponed last week. We will have the meeting sometime this month.


Vital Signs: Week of Jan. 5 Attendance (11/36) Offering $936.01 (avg. Over 1 weeks $936)


We will have our covered dish luncheon after service today.  Please join us for good food and good fellowship.


Wednesday Night bible study will be on hold for the winter. We will resume in March.


Building Cleaning 2025

A signup sheet is on the bulletin board in the kitchen for building cleaning for next year. 

We need cleaning help for March, 



Lads to Leaders sign up is under way. The convention is April 17-20 in Nashville. The 2025 theme is “Meant for Good”.  See Nic and Haley Wildman for more info.


Food Pantry

There is a new box in the lobby, please help fill it.

We are collecting non-perishable food items. Cereal, Canned soup, stew,

 boxed scalloped potatoes, mac & cheese, canned fruit, tuna, noodles, 

canned vegetables, pasta, and sauce.


 Women are meeting every Wednesday at Perkins on Elm Road at 10AM.



Scott McQuain, Jorge Aros Buelna, James Mitchell, Dylan Wood, Olivia Wood.


Inspirational Thought for the Day:

It’s hard to get in shape spiritually if you only work out on Sunday.


If you have  news for the Family Matters please call Roseann  330 394-2188, or 330-240-4643  email:

Please note: I am not on Face Book.


For more detailed information see our web site at