

What Salvation? III

Series: What Salvation?

Link to sermon video: What Salvation? III - L Siegle

What Salvation?  III

“The Serpentine EFFECT”

(Colossians 1:15-20)


Series:  What Does the Bible Teach about Salvation?

Thesis:  The Scriptures teach that salvation is necessary for those who place their faith in Jesus Christ.



1.    The title of this series is What Salvation?

2.    This is the third message in this series, and today we are going to see how the elements of ‘salvation’ come together

        as a whole body of truth.

3.    I appreciated what Terry shared in his message last Sunday about the need of Peter to return to the place where His

        relationship with Jesus had begun and to refresh his desire and determination to be the man God wanted him to be.

4.    It is so very important that we revive our sense of focus in order to be effective in what we do for the Kingdom and

        what salvation means to each of us.


1.    Yesterday, I stopped by Sam’s Club to pick up a few things after our journey with the Keith and Linda Chopic into

        Virginia—such a beautiful place at that time of the year.

        a.     The sounds of the birds and the gentle breeze…the sounds of Keith snoring in the distance…

        b.    Shenandoah Crossing, with horses, a lake, just an amazing place of adventure.

2.    Yesterday, as I exited the parking lot of Sam’s Club, I was suddenly reminded of the importance of the “serpentine

        belt” on a vehicle, because mine had disconnected itself.

        a.     The “Serpentine Belt” on a vehicle is that which connects all of the functioning ‘elements’ together…Circulation of

               the cooling system for the engine, the power steering, the alternator that charges the battery, everything that is

               essential for the car to function properly.

        b.    A very nice couple, saw that I was having trouble by the time I had reached Country Fair Citgo and asked if they

               could help in taking myself and the groceries home.  What a blessing!

        c.     The car was towed and will be repaired soon.

3.    The “Serpentine Effect” is that which joins all of the essential elements of ‘salvation’ together in the fulfillment of

        God’s “purpose of the ages” (Eph. 1:3-10).

        a.     The one element that brings together into the one all that God wants is the single element of FAITH


1.    There is no possible way to discuss salvation (in any sense), apart for the emphasis of faith as the single element from

        which everything else follows in having a walk with God.

        a.     Peter and the disciples, coming to the tomb, seeking Jesus, had to step forward in their faith and trust in the

               instructions given to them, to “go to Galilee” and there Jesus would meet them (Matt. 28:5-10).

        b.    It must be our heart’s desire to take the steps of obedience even in those moments we do not fully understand

               them (Rom. 1:5, 8).

2.    This week families from all over, travel long distances, to come together to celebrate with their friends and their

        families what it means to be thankful for 2024 and in looking ahead to the good things that are in store for 2025.

        a.     2024 has been a year with challenges for many of us here, but we can remain thankful for the blessings God has

               given to us.

        b.    2025 will have more unique challenges to face and to overcome, but we can celebrate the fact that even as Jesus

               promised the disciples of “go before them into Galilee” that He will also go “before us” as we walk before Him

               with faith and trust (Deut. 31:1-6; Josh. 1:6-9)

               1)    The opposite of faith is not merely ‘unbelief’ or ‘disbelief’ but is manifested in fear—that causes us to

                       hesitate in what it is that God wants us to do and to be.

3.    The letter of Hebrews was written to first century Jewish believers whose faith had become weak, and instead of

        keeping their eyes focused on Jesus (Heb. 12:1, 2).

        a.     The “cloud of witnesses” were those people who, from the time of Abel onward had walked in obedient faith

               before God (Heb. 11:1-3, 6).—God made the ages through which His purpose would become the manifested


        b.    The phrase “by faith” occurs 18 times, in Hebrews 11, because it is the essential overarching element that is seen

               throughout redemptive history, that unites all of God’s people and all that is pleasing to him in both the Old and

               New Covenant “ages”

        c.     The obedience of faith is seen in those listed in Hebrews 11 in relationship to the instructions that God had given

               to them, in that place, and at that time.

        d.    These Jewish believers were in danger of abandoning their faith and returning to a system that could not save

               them (Heb. 10:32-39)

               1)    Sadly, I know of many over the decades who knew and understood the truth of God’s Word, accepted, and

                       stood firm…for a season, but now have turned away and returned to the things of the world (II Tim. 4:10-18).

               2)    We cannot “take part” in the unfruitful works of “darkness” but it is our responsibility to “expose” them to

                       that which is found in the word of God (Eph. 5:11-17).


1.    It is so very important that we guard our faith and trust in the Word of God—even when we do not see its effects in

        the lives of others (Isa. 55:11).

2.    It is operating in faith that is the ‘serpentine effect’ that connects everything together to provide all of the essential

        elements in demonstration of the salvation that God gives to us.

3.    Do we believe and trust that God “goes before us” and walks with us, and lives in us?

4.    What can we pause to be thankful for today and this week?

        1)    This holiday that is approaching is not about thanksgiving, it is about Thanks-Living each and every day of our lives

               as we honor God and rejoice in His provision and in His goodness.

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