

Matters of Life and Death IV

Series: Matters of Life and Death

Link to sermon video: Matters of Life and Death IV - L Siegle

Matters of Life and Death IV

(Ecclesiastes 9:5-10)


Series:  Matters of Life and Death

Thesis:  Learning to understand and appreciate what God has set before each of us.



1.    The title of this series is Matters of Life and Death

2.    This is the fourth installment in the series, and I would encourage you to go back and review what we studied

        together so far.

        a.     We are going to explore what happens to a person when he dies?

        b.    What does the Bible teach about life after death?

        c.     What does the Bible teach about Hell?


1.    Last week we spent a considerable amount of time defining what the Bible calls, “the land of the living”--from a

        physical sense, under the Old Covenant, it was God who decided the meaning of “sacred space” (holy ground) (Exod.

        3:5; Acts 7:33).

2.    The entirety of the land of Israel was “sacred space” but especially Jerusalem and the temple where the presence of

        the Lord was.

3.    When Israel had received the 613 commandments of the law, they were to live in “holiness” before the Lord (Lev

        11:45; 19:2; 20:7, 26; Num. 15:40).--“consecrate” -- “set apart, purify, sanctify”--

4.    In the New Covenant, God’s expectation is always that of “being set apart” for “holiness” (purity) (Eph. 1:4; 5:27; I Pet.

        1:15, 16).

5.    Those who enter “into Christ” (Eph. 3:26, 27) enter “sacred space” (holy ground) as pictured and defined by the

        New Covenant (Joel 3:17). -- “the land of the living” having been “raised to walk in newness of life” (Rom. 6:3-5)--a

        transformation takes place, a “new birth” (John 3:3-5) into God’s family, His “new creation” (II Cor. 15:17).


1.    The book of Ecclesiastes, written by Solomon, give the central focus of what it is like for an “unbeliever”--the horizonal

        life with a hopeless material perspective only.

2,    The expression “under the sun” is found only in Ecclesiastes occurs 28 times (Eccl. 1:2, 8, 9, 14, 17)--today he would

        been diagnosed for extreme depression for his description of life “under the sun”.

        a.     For one who does not know God or has not entered into relationship with Him, physical life on planet earth is

               simply the journey from the cradle to the grave--nothing more, nothing else--a meaningless time having no

               genuine purpose or reason for being (Eccl. 3:20-22; Psa. 146:3, 4).

        b.    Jesus said only those who place with faith in Him have “everlasting life” all others “perish” and because of their

               willful separation from God are “condemned already” (John 3:16-21)-- Redemption is God’s provision to rescue

               those who once chose to live in “darkness” rather than the “light” that comes from above.


1.    In the Old Covenant, those “in the land of the living” (sacred space) could sin and become “impure” and be separated

        from the rest of the people--to be “cut off”

        a.     The flood was “judgment” in which the people were “cut off” because of their wickedness (Gen. 9:11).--


        b.    To be “uncircumcised” was breaking the covenant (Gen. 17:14).--“cut off from among his people”

        c.     The feast of unleavened bread (Exod. 12:15, 19)--“cut off from Israel”

        d.    Breaking the Sabbath “cut off” that resulted in “death” (Exod. 31:14).

        e.     Violation of the various sacrifices (Lev. 3:9; 7:20, 21, 25, 27; 18:29)

        f.      Separation from God’s presence (Lev. 22:3) “cut off”

        g.     Wrong actions and motives (Num. 15:30, 31)

        h.    Unclean person “cut off from the assembly” (Num. 19:20).

2.    The wicked “nations” at the time of the conquest were to be “cut off” (Josh. 11:21)-- related to the “giants” (Gen. 6:1-

        4; 23:4; Amos 2:3).

        a.     The destiny of the “wicked” was to be “cut off in darkness” (I Sam. 2:9; 20:15).

        b.    Unfaithful Israel was to be “cut off” from the land (I Kings 9:7; Prov. 2:22; Jer. 44:11).

        c.     Israel had been “cut off” and needed resurrection (Ezek. 37:11).

3.    The punishment for sin and disobedience in the Scriptures--being “cut off” did not include the notion of “eternal

        conscious torment” but simply “death” --- a result to the “dust” from which they had come.

4.    Nothing in any of the “national” judgments, or God’s dealings with individuals, or families reflect some sort of concept

        of “eternal conscious torment” as the absolute “end result”--being “cut off” in death, or destruction is the stated end

        of the process.


1.    Thus far in our studies we have discovered some very important points as to what the Old Testament has to say with

        regards to the meaning of life and the meaning of death.

        a.     From Genesis to Malachi, the difference between the condition between the righteous and the unrighteous is

               described in vivid detail.

               1)    The righteous are always pictured in the “land of the living” (the “secret place” of the Most Hight (Psa. 91)--

                       the place of His “covenant” where there is blessing and protection.

               2)    The unrighteous are pictured with words:

                       a)    “Perish”

                       b)    “be no more”

                       c)     “destroyed”

                       d)    “will vanish”

                       e)    “cut off”

               3)    The “end result” is the promise of “eternal life” (John 3:16; Rom. 6:23).

               4)    The “end result” is “death”

2.    The “horizontal view” of separation from God.

        a.     Adam and Eve were “driven from” the Garden of Eden (Gen. 3:19) to return to the “dust of the ground”

        b.    From the perspective on the person without God, it is a “return to the dust” (Eccl. 3:20-22)

        c.     Cain murdered his brother Abel (Gen. 4:11-16)--“banished” from the presence of the Lord--“cut off”

        d.    The human wickedness at the time of the flood (Gen. 6:5-7)--the waters of the flood would “blot out” those who

               were wicked (Matt. 24:37-39)--“swept them all away”

        e.     God “destroyed” Sodom and Gomorrah with “fire” and the “inhabitants” (Gen. 19:23-29)

3.    The “soul” that sins, it shall “die” (Ezek 18)

        a.     The “soul” is not “immortal” (nephesh)

        b.    In the OT, the word is applied to every “living creature” that breathes--man and animal alike (Gen. 1:21, 24; 2:19;


1.    Next week we are going to begin to open the pages of the NT to see what the teaching of Jesus and the apostles is

        with respect to the concept of “eternal conscious torment” -- HELL.

2.    We are going to talk about the Hellenistic influence of Dante Allegarie and his depiction of the fate of the wicked.

3.    We are going to begin to examine the texts where the world Gehenna is found and why some people believe this is a

        description of hell while others see these passages within the context of judgment and destruction.

4.    God’s purpose is for us to enter into covenant relationship with God and to experience what it means to be in the

        “land of the living” that we studied about last week.

5.    The desire of God is to share HIS life with us that we might have “eternal life” in quality and in the quantity HE has


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