The Unique Expression of God's Image
Series: Such a Time as ThisLink to sermon video: The Unique Expression of God's Image - L Siegle
Such a Time as This…
(Matthew 16:13-20)
Thesis: The Importance of our spiritual identity for ‘Such a time as this.’
1. The title of this series is Such a Time as This. is, The Unique Expression of God’s Image
2. Today we are going to trace the ministry of Jesus and the church as the unique expression of God’s image (Heb. 1:1-4
ESV).--the firstborn of many brethren (Heb. 2:10, 11; Rom. 8:29, 30).
3. The redemptive objective being to bring into “one” (in the fulness of the times), “all things” --in heaven and on earth
(Eph. 1:10)--This was the mystery that was being accomplished through Jesus who came into the world “in the fulness
of the times” (Gal. 4:4-6).
4. Our attention and central focus has been connected simply with Genesis 3, and the relationship with God that was
lost to humanity in the events that transpired in the Garden of Eden--but that is just one aspect of redemption:
a. The mystery and purpose of God was to bring about “unity” (oneness) in the heavens (supernatural realm).
b. And to accomplish “unity” (oneness) on the earth also (the earthly realm).
1. The ministry of Jesus in coming into the world had both an “earthly” and a “heavenly” aspect that can be seen
throughout what is recorded in the gospel accounts.
a. Jesus is baptized by John (Matt. 3:14-17)--the comprehensive mission to “fulfill all righteousness”
b. Jesus is then lead into the desert (wilderness) and has an encounter with a supernatural being (Matt. 4:1-10).
c. The ministry of John the Baptizer and of Christ is a “Second Exodus” for Israel and a “call” for “repentance” (Mark
1:14, 15)--the only verse in the NT where “repentance” comes before “faith” (because the “call” is to Israel who
were already ‘believers’ and in covenant with God--therefore in need of repentance before God.
d. Jesus is dealing with both the rebellion in Genesis 3 and the rebellion that has occurred in the spiritual realm (Gen. 6:1-4; I Pet 3:19, 20, 22; II Pet 2:4, 5; Jude 6).
e. Jesus, in his earthly ministry used His authority in dealing with both the needs of people (healing etc), and in dealing with the “unclean spirits: (Mark 1:34).
2. The time was approaching for the promise of Gen. 3:15; 12:1-3 to be realized--in the heavens and the earth.
a. The time for Satan to be “crushed” had drawn “near” (Rom. 16:20).
b. It was the “at hand” preaching of the Kingdom that began to redemptive countdown to when this was to take place (Luke 10:17-20).
c. Satan and his demonic forces were “thrown down” (Rev. 12:7-12)--his “time” was “short” (just as Paul had said).
d. This was the “time” when Satan was cast into the abyss (Rev. 20:1-4).--The arrival of the “kingdom” and the “gospel” as the “power of God for salvation” (Rom. 1:16) was the victorious message that Jesus and the apostles were preaching during those “last days” (Joel 2:28-32; Acts 2:16-21).
3. When Jesus, near the end of his ministry came to Caesarea Philippi, (the “headquarters” of the pagan “gods”)--the
spiritual realm was being given notice that the march toward redemptive victory has begun and would “soon” be
realized and completed.
1. Satan was “bound”--the “strong man” (Mark 3:27), and the authority of the “church” (assembly) and the “kingdom” is
that the very “gates of Hades” would not “overpower” or be able to “withstand” it (Matt. 16:18).
a. Nothing in the spiritual realm or in the earthly realm would gain victory over what Christ was going to
accomplish, through the Cross in the restoration of what had been lost at the “beginning” (Acts 3:19-24).
b. This was not going to take place over thousands of years in the future, God, through redemptive history had foretold “these days” (the very “last days” of the “age” that was coming to an “end” (Acts 2:16; Matt. 24:4) before the passing of “this generation” (Matt. 23:36: 24:34)--the “wicked and perverse “generation” (Acts 2:40; Gal. 1:4).
c. The “keys” to the “kingdom of heaven” were given by Christ (Matt. 16:19).
d. The ministry of the 70 (Luke 10) included the “authority” to “tread on serpents and scorpions” (spiritual entities--
unclean spirits--demonic beings) (Luke 10:19).
2. From the day of Pentecost forward, for the next 40 years, the “gospel of the kingdom” was being preached (Jew and
Gentiles) (Matt. 24:14; Col. 1:23).
a. The “binding and loosing” as it pertained to “forgiveness of sins” moved forward (Acts. 1:8)--the “keys” were used
on Pentecost (Acts 2), to the Samaritans (Acts 8), to Cornelius--gentiles (Acts 10).
3. In Genesis 10, 11, the “nations” had been “divided” (Deut. 32:8), and Israel had become God’s “portion” and
“heritage” (Deut 32:9). God had given the “seventy nations” over (Rom. 1:18-32)--and was, in the “last days” setting
about the “regather” those very “nations” (Isa. 66:18-20).
a. The very same “coastlands” people that had been numbered and scattered were going to be “gathered” (Gen.
10:4, 5; Isa. 42:10-12; 51:5).
b. Our God is a God of “salvation” and of “restoration” for both Israel and the “nations” (Rom. 11:5; 25-29, 32).
1) God had “given them over” but through the preaching of the cross (I Cor. 1:18), “mercy” was being extended to Israel and also to the very “nations” that were able to enter into Israel’s “spiritual things” (Rom. 15:27) in fulfillment of the “promises made to the fathers” (Rom. 15:8).
c. Victory in both the spiritual realm and the earthly realm would bring about the realization of God’s blessings
(Deut. 32:43).
1. Christ entered into the world, in the ‘fulness of time’ as the express “image” of God--to accomplish redemptive and to
bring people into the victory over sin and death and to take a stand for righteousness (II Pet. 3:13).
2. The “church” as the “body of Christ” is being molded into the “image” of Christ (Rom. 8:29)--when people see us, they
should begin to have a living portrait of Jesus!.
3. The victory of God has been realized in both the supernatural realm (heavenly places) and on the earthly realm (as we
walk with God and lead others into the power of the gospel).
4. The reality is that it brings joy to each of us in being able to lead others into the “fulness of God” and His presence.