God's Lovingkindness in Israel
Series: God's LovingkindnessLink to sermon video: God's Lovingkindness in Israel - L Siegle
God’s Lovingkindness in Israel
(Deuteronomy 30:11-20)
Thesis: The history of history was an expression of God’s lovingkindness toward His people.
1. The title of this series is, God’s Lovingkindness in Israel
2. The Bible reveals four significant events of rebellion in the Genesis 1-11:
a. The disobedience at the time of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden (Gen. 3).
b. The flood at the time of Noah (Gen. 6:1-13).
c. The tower of Babel and the dividing of the “nations” (Gen. 10:32; chapter 11).
d. Israel in the 40-years of “wilderness” wandering.
3. Did sin exist PRIOR to the time of Adam and Eve and the events recorded in the Garden of Eden?
a. There may be the temptation to answer “no” to this question, however, it seems clear there was the presence of
a Tempter, later identified as Satan (adversary), the Devil (deceiver) (Gen. 3:1ff; Rev. 12:9; 20:2).
b. The apostle Paul clarifies our answer in saying that through Adam sin “entered the world” (Rom. 5:12)--and the evidence suggests a rebellion against God from within the spiritual realm was in progress at the time.
4. The events associated with the flood at the time of Noah suggests heavenly beings had abandoned their position (II
Pet. 2:4, 5; Jude 6).
5. God “divided the nations” in Genesis 10 (Deut. 32:8) “when he divided mankind, he fixed the borders of the peoples
according to the number of the sons of God” (ESV)--He appointed heavenly beings over the seventy “nations”
a. A rebellion is what lead to the events of Genesis 11 and the scattering of those trying to build a toward into the
heavens (Gen. 11:8, 9).
b. The “nations” had spiritual entities that were assigned to them by God, but who were in rebellion and now stood against God (See Dan. 10:12, 13).
c. It is to these spiritual beings, that the apostle Paul tells the believers they were battling against (Eph.
6:12; II Cor. 10:4-6).
6. In contrast to the “nations” that were “scattered” (Gen. 10), God sets about to “call Abraham” through whose “seed”
would come God’s OWN “special treasure” (Deut. 7:1-10)--the very “nations” scattered (Gen. 10) were identified as
the “enemies” of God--because of the influence of the spiritual beings (gods) they began to worship in contrast with
YHWH the TRUE God (MOST HIGH GOD) of Israel.
1. God’s greatest intention and desire for His “covenant” people Israel was to manifest His goodness, love, and mercy
toward them (Deut. 30:15, 16, 20).
2. What God wanted from Israel:
a. Walk in His ways (v. 16)
b. Keep His commandments (v. 16).
c. His statutes (v. 16).
d. His judgments (v. 16).
e. Choose life (v. 19).
f. Love the Lord your God (v. 20).
g. Obey His voice (v. 20).
h. Cling to Him (v. 20)
3. The result is that God would increase the “length of their days) (v. 20). And “dwell in the land” (v. 20).
4. God would keep HIS PROMISE that had been made to the fathers (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob0 (v. 20).
1. In overcoming the rebellion and the sin that had “entered into the world” (Rom. 5:12) and what had occurred within
the “heavens and earth” (Gen. 1:1) and that God had determined was “very good” (Gen. 1:31)--that caused the fall “in
the beginning” with Adam and Eve--God was going to deal with them and restore the relationship with God that had
been lost (II Cor. 5:17).
a. God’s lovingkindness toward His people is “better than life” (Psa. 63:3)
b. God wants us to “renew our minds” (Rom. 12:1, 2)
c. The contrast between the “outward” and the “inward” (II Cor. 4:16)
d. Made “new” in the “spirit of our mind” (Eph. 4:22-24).
e. Col. 3:5-13--a transformation takes place
2. The world around us is filled with so much dissatisfaction and negativity, pressure and stress.
a. God wants to energize us, renew us, strengthen us (Psa. 103:1-5)--benefits of honoring God.
b. Moses had to remind Israel of His purpose and desire for them (Exod. 19:1-11)--
1) It has only taken them THREE MONTHS to become discouraged, agitated, complaining, etc.
2) On the “third day” God was going to meet with His people.
3) Jesus was resurrected on the “third day” and the power of His resurrection and life has brought each of us
into the very presence of God (Rom. 1:4; Phil. 3:8-11).
1. We can see as we trace the rebellion incidents in the Bible that God was working behind the scenes to bring about
salvation, deliverance, and rescue from those who would draw the hearts and lives of the people away from God.
2. What is it that hinders us in our heartfelt desire to love and honor God?
3. The pressures of “this life” can hinder our ability to walk in accordance with God’s very best for our lives.
4. By trusting in Him, we can overcome and have the life of joy, peace, and abundance that God desires for us to have.