The Restoration of His Glory IV
Series: Restoration to GloryLink to sermon video: The Restoration of His Glory IV - L Siegle
Restoration of His Glory IV
(Matthew 16:13)
Thesis: Who Was “This Jesus”? The Jewish Mistaken Expectation
1. The title of this message is, “Restoration of His Glory IV”.
2. We have all seen various ‘artist renderings’ of what people think about what
the appearance of Jesus may have looked like…No ‘selfies’ (Facebook,
Instagram, or social media available back in those days!
a. I went online, “Ask Jeeves” no longer exists so, Google was there to help.
1) Under image search, I discovered Jesus had a ‘Wisconsin Driver’s License”
2) I asked AI for assistance, as to what Jesus might have looked like in the first century…
1) “Jesus was a Jewish man from Galilee, with brown or black hair,
olive-brown skin, and brown eyes. He may have had a beard and
short hair, and a lean physique due to lifestyle and work.”
b. If his physical appearance had been important, the Bible would have
clearly described him “found in appearance as a man” (Phil. 2:8).
c. The apostle Paul referred to him as “the man Christ Jesus (I Tim. 2:5, 6).
1) We are going to learn more about this ‘ransom’ concept in future
d. “God manifest in the flesh (I Tim. 3:16)…Textual variant “HE WHO…”
e. “Likeness of sinful flesh” (Rom. 8:3).
3. There came a moment, near the very end of His earthly ministry that Jesus
was once again being tested by the religious leaders (Matt. 16:1-4).
a. They were looking for “Messiah” but wanted some ‘proof’ (credentials).
b. Israel eventually developed a divided view about what the OT had to say
about the Messiah to the point that many believed (at the time) that TWO
Messiahs would be required in order to fulfill what the prophets had
1) Mashiach Ben David
1) Mashiach Ben Joseph
4. Those who were alive in the first century was ‘looking’ for the arrival of
Messiah (Matt. 2:1-5)
a. The most prominent viewpoint even was that Messiah would come as the
‘conquering king who would be a mighty military leader who would rescue
Israel and establish the kingdom as in the days of David and Solomon.
5. After telling the religious leaders who were ‘testing’ Him that they had NO
CLUE as to His true identity, they could discern the weather, but not the
“signs of the times”.
1. Since the religious leaders were obviously confused about Messiah, Jesus
paused to take a poll (Matt. 16:13).
a. “What is the word on the street?”
b. Some say THIS, some say THAT… (Matt. 16:14).
2. Who do YOU say that I am? (Matt. 16:15)
a. The world always misses the correct answer to the question.
b. True followers of Jesus must get this answer correct…
1) Not just quoting from some “creed” or “theology textbook” but from the
very innermost parts of our being (I John 4:2).
2) Notice the contrast between the world and believers (I Cor. 12:2, 3).
3) Confession of the “Lordship” of Christ is part of the plan of salvation
(Rom. 10:9, 10).
4) Living out the “Lordship” of Christ is a daily experience that lasts for a
5) “Lordship” means obedience to Christ (Luke 6:46; Heb. 5:8, 9).
3. Peter answers the question (Matt. 16:16)… Yeshua Ha Mashiach.
1. We do not have the time to explore the various views (theories) of ‘atonement’
today, but there was a ‘price’ that had to be paid to ‘release’ humanity from
the penalty of “the death” that had entered into the world through Adam.
a. ‘atonement’ (to cover) “redemption” (buy back), “appease” (satisfy),
“ransom” (corresponding-price).
b. During the time of what the Bible describes as the “natural” (Adam), the
scales of Divine Justice were violated and “the death” was the penalty--
separation from God, broken relationship.
1) Adam, in effect, sold HIS right to dominion and all of humanity was captured and taken into bondage and captivity to “sin and death”
2) Israel became the evidence of what it meant to experience “bondage” (house of bondage 13x) as a reminder to them of what God was delivering them from (Exod. 13:3).
2. The ministry of Jesus was to come and bring “freedom” from “bondage” and
to set people free from “captivity” (Isa. 61:1, 2; Luke 4:18)
a. Israel was in “bondage” under the “elements” of the Old Covenant (Gal.
4:3; 24, 25; 5:1; Heb. 2:15).
1) It was “bondage” because “the law” simply could not “save” Israel.
2) There needed to be a “payment” a “ransom” paid to restore the scales of
Divine Justice lost “in Adam”
3) The “ransom” was a “corresponding price” paid to set a captive free
from “bondage”
b. Jesus twofold mission with subtle distinctions:
1) Jesus came to provide a “ransom” for “many” (Israel) (Matt. 20:28;
Mark 10:45)
2) Jesus came to provide a “ransom” for “all” (I Tim. 2:6).
3. In this “ransom” concept is seen deliverance for both Jew/Gentiles--the
provision was to be provided for everyone affected by what had taken place
from the Garden of Eden onward.
a. “Many” (Israel) was affected by the “gift” God was giving them (Rom.
5:15, 19).
b. “All” (Gentiles) were affected by judgment and condemnation, but the
provision of Christ “came to all men” (Rom. 5:18)
4. The “ransom” was not paid to Satan (as some contend), or even simply to
appease God (as others contend). The “ransom” price simply balanced the
scales of Divine Justise--what Adam “lost” has been “restored” in Christ for
those who enter into relationship with Him on the basis of faith and
obedience to the gospel (I Cor. 6:20; 7:23; Acts 20:28).
a. The ‘scales of Divine Justice’ were pictured in the Old Covenant as “eye for
eye, tooth for tooth”--The first Adam and the last Adam--balance is
1. Jesus “took the form of a servant” in order to provide “liberty” to those taken
captive by “sin and death”
2. Now, when we respond to the gospel of Christ, we are provided with “life and
righteousness” on the basis of what HE accomplished on our behalf (Rom.
6:16-18, 20-23)