Faith And The Authority For Action
Series: Faith Fulfilled: Forever From First to LastLink to sermon video: Faith And The Authority For Action - L Siegle
Faith Fulfilled: Forever From First to Last
(Romans 10:17)
1. The title of this series is, “Faith Fulfilled: Forever from First to Last”
2. This third part of the series is, “Faith and the Authority for Action”
3. Question: “What do you want to BE, when you grow up?” Dream jobs…
a. A recent survey of 1000 children ages 5 to 8 years old were asked this question.
1) 26.2% Doctors/Nurses/Healthcare
2) 16.5% Teachers
3) 12% Scientist
4) 11.9% TikTok/YouTuber/Vlogger
5) 10.9% Actor (Hollywood)
6) 9.7% Police Officer (Law Enforcement)
7) 9.7% Dancers
8) 9.1% Veterinarian
9) 6.7% Dentist/ Dental Assistant
10) 5.6% Zookeeper
4. What we know is that these aspirations will change over time.
5. What most adults want to know is just how to do “something” that will help us to live a productive and happy life.
1. The reality is that our goals and the direction of our lives change as we grow and
2. We are living at a time and in an age when faith is given very little value, especially
in the everyday situations and circumstances of daily life.
a. IF God is real, then He does not seem all that concerned with who we are, where
we live, or what we do—as a person.
b. IF God is “watching” it appears that it is from an undetermined “distance” and
whatever happens, just happens—good, bad, or indifferent (Eccl. 9:2, 3).
1) Solomon is writing this book of the Bible from the perspective of life “under the sun” (a horizontal perspective rather than a spiritual vertical perspective).
2) There is a natural, negativity that engulfs the world in which we live.
3) As believers, who understand and who actually come to know who God really
is, life does take on a new and exciting sense of meaning.
c. The current “generations” are searching for some sense of meaning and a reason
for being here on planet earth—ONLY “faith” and “the gospel” provide the
foundational basis for a sense of meaning and purpose in life (Eccl. 12:1; Psa.
9:10; 17:7; 18:30; 25:1-20).
1. It is dependence upon the Word of Christ that gives the authority to more and to
have confidence in life (Col. 3:16, 17)
a. Christ has been given “all authority” (Matt. 28:18)
b. Our “faith-filled” actions in life arise from the “authority” of what has been revealed in the Word of God (Mark 11:22-24)
1) Life presents each of us with “mountains” and it is the “authority” of what
God has revealed in His Words that “moves” the “mountains” of life.
2. Trust is exercising the authority of “faith” (faith of God), in our daily walk no matter
what obstacles we face (Psa. 37:3-6).
1. God has kept ALL of His promises (redemptively) and has FULFILLED all of His Word.
2. The concept of “fulfilled faith” is that there is 100% absolute trust in what God has
done no matter how challenging the circumstances and situations of life SEEM.
2. FULFILLMENT of Bible prophecy and redemptive history DOES NOT imply that God is
no longer active in the world today.
1. A “fulfilled faith” is a confident faith.
2. A “fulfilled faith” is a vibrant and living faith.
3. A “fulfilled faith” has a sense of direction and purpose.
4. A “fulfilled faith” realizes the “power” and “authority” of God arises from the
comfort and inspiration found in His Word.