Online Sermons
Sixteen Apostles
Series: The Fourteen ApostlesQUIZ #1
Our recent midweek Bible group included a study of the original Twelve Apostles plus four others.
___ PETER A. He was a tax-collector
___ ANDREW B. He and his brother James were sons of thunder
___ JAMES (son of Zebedee) C. This man replaced Judas who betrayed Jesus
___ JOHN D. His name means son of encouragement
___ PHILIP E. Not one of the 12, he met Jesus on the Damascus road
___ BARTHOLOMEW F. He is often associated with thirty pieces of silver
___ THOMAS G. He was a brother to John
___ MATTHEW H. This man was also known as Simon or Cephas
___ JAMES (son of Alphaeus) I. He was a Peter's brother
___ THADDAEUS J. This apostle is often dubbed the doubter
___ SIMON K. Not one of the 12, he was a pillar in the church
___ JUDAS L. This apostle is also known as Nathanael
___ MATTHAIS M. He was quizzed by Jesus in feeding of the 5,000
___ JAMES (the Lord's brother) N. He was also known as James the less
___ PAUL O. This apostle was known for being a zealot/Canaanite
___ BARNABAS P. He wore another name, Lebbaeus
The correct answers are in our website's 04/05/20 News & Notes.