Online Sermons

Online Sermons

Lesson #15 - The Apostle Matthias

Series: The Fourteen Apostles





? Matthias was chosen to replace Judas.

Soon after the Lord’s ascension (Acts 1:9f), “The Eleven" deemed it necessary to appoint another apostle to fill Judas' spot.


The setting for this decision included the following details.

?   ?   ?   ?   ?

? It took place sometime during the ten days between the ascension and the day of Pentecost.

This is calculated based on Jesus’ post-resurrection appearances (over a period of forty days/Acts 1:3),

coupled with the fact that Pentecost took place on the fiftieth day after the Passover (Jesus’ crucifixion).


? With Judas absent, The Eleven were gathered in Jerusalem in an upper room with others (about 120/Acts 1:15b).


? They were led by the apostle Peter, who stands up to take the initiative (Acts 1:15a).


? The predicate for this decision was the fulfillment of Psalm 109:8, which states:  let another take his place.


? The procedure included a selection, prayer and casting lots (Acts 1:23-26).

Two candidates were selected, one named Joseph Barsabbas Justus and the other named Matthias.

Qualifications demanded that they needed to have accompanied us - - beginning with the baptism of John,

until the day that (Jesus) was taken up - - one of these should become a witness with us of His resurrection.

For what it's worth, the early church historian Eusebius affirms that Matthias had been one of “the seventy” (Lk.10:1).

They prayed and then “drew lots”.  cf. Lev.16:8;  Num.26:55-56 & 33:54;  1Chron.24:5  and  Neh.10:34

The casting of lots likely involved two names placed on individual potsherd tablets, placed in an urn

and shaken up, with the result being that the name that fell out first would be chosen by God.

Prov.16:33 states, The lot is cast into the lap, but every decision is from the Lord.

The process is summarized by Luke's notation (Acts 1:26):

They drew lots...and the lot fell to Matthias; and he was enrolled with the eleven (other apostles).


? The above is the sum total of all that Scripture directly reveals about Matthias.

In Acts 6:1ff, the church seeks to resolve a problem related to the overlooking of the care of Grecian widows.

Acts 6:2 records, “And The Twelve summoned the congregation of the disciples...”

Matthias is readily recognized as one of the twelve without a hint of  a“cloud” surrounding his appointment.

Even the apostle Paul accepts this decision - - referring to Jesus' post-resurrection appearances to THE TWELVE (1Cor.15:5).




They question his legitimacy based on other passages (especially several written by the apostle Paul).

Their argument in a nutshell is that Peter and the 120 (Acts 1:15) acted prematurely and presumptuously.

Their intentions were honest and noble - - seeking to honor Ps.109:8 and doing so with prayer and casting lots.

These frequently appeal to other New Testament texts to contend that it was Paul who was called (by Jesus) to replace Judas.

cf. Acts 9:4-6 & 15-16  with  Rom.1:1 & 5  and  1Cor.1:1; 9:1 & 15:8-9


They typically call attention to Gal.1:1 - - suggesting that Paul was contrasting his “calling" with that of Matthias.

Paul, an apostle (not sent from men, nor through the agency of man, but through Jesus Christ, and God the Father...).


Their emphasis is that Jesus Himself chose The Twelve.  cf. Acts 1:2/the apostles whom He had chosen

Note Jesus' words Jn.6:70, Did I Myself not choose you, the twelve … and Jn.15:16, You did not choose Me, but I chose you...


Some reason that since the Holy Spirit had not yet been given (Pentecost/Acts 2:4), the apostles were not yet certified

to make such a momentous decision.  Yet this argument can be easily countered by pointing out that the apostles

had some measure of supernatural guidance well prior to Pentecost.  cf. Mt.10:8ff, noting 10:19 in particular.


Herbert Lockyer contends that PAUL was the twelfth name on the foundation stone referenced in Rev.21:14.

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