Online Sermons
Lesson #28 - Character Traits That Will Help (Part 2)
Series: Home-BuildersLESSON #28 – CHARACTER TRAITS THAT WILL HELP (Part 2)
The following is gleaned from an essay by Vibha Sharma, titled:
“Twenty Good Character Traits That Will Help Your Children Grow Up To Be Happy, Successful And Loved By All”.
Below is a list of these the second ten of these twenty traits. With the few hints provided, see if you can fill in the blanks.
From a Biblical perspective it would be wise for all parents to memorize Paul's fruit (Gal.5:22f) and Peter's virtues (2Pet.1:5f).
11. _ _ _ _ N E S S
thoughtfulness and gentleness combined
12. C U R I _ _ _ _ _
a sense of exploration
13. O P _ _ _ I S M
upbeat and positive-minded
14. G R A T _ _ _ _ _
an appreciative spirit
15. P R 0 _ _ _ _ _ _
taking the initiative
16. E N _ _ _ _ _ _ _
staying power
17. S E R E _ _ _ _
calm that brings peace
18. R E _ _ _ _ _
healthy esteem for others
19. _ _ _ _ I N G and _ _ _ _ _ _ I N G
indispensable ingredients for a well-rounded person
20. H _ _ E
a refusal to give up