

Red & Yellow, Black & White



          My first impressions of the far-reaching nature of the glorious gospel of God's grace were shaped by the words of an anonymous traditional children's song.   It was short and sweet while being simple and profound:  Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world.  Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight -- Jesus loves the little children of the world.   It would be so wonderful if that truth could remain embedded deep within our minds and souls throughout all of our days.   Unless implanted by the prejudicial mindset of older ones, children seem to bles-sed with colorblindness.  The playground (and classroom) may occasionally yield a spat or two, but by and large they  appear to have no innate dislike for the color of their playmate's skin.  For us who are older, the usage of the term “colorblindness” must not negate a sympathetic understanding of struggles brought on by racial discrimination. 

          In his sermon at the Athenian Areopagus, the apostle Paul reflected on the Genesis record:  “(God) made from one (blood) every nation of mankind...” (Acts 17:26).   While preparing the heart of Cornelius (a Gentile who was a Roman centurion / Acts 10:1-5), God simultaneously educated the mind of the apostle Peter.  At the noon hour Peter had ascended the rooftop to pray.  He became hungry and while food was being prepared,  he was awakened to a grand truth by means of a heavenly vision (Acts 10:9ff).  As he witnessed a sheet filled with all manner of creatures, a Voice came to him saying, “Arise...and eat.”  Peter responded negatively:  “I have never eaten anything unholy and unclean”.  The Voice came to him a second time with unmistakable clarification - - “What God has cleansed, no longer consider unholy”.   The text notes that this unfolding truth was reiterated three times!!!   Despite the emphatic nature of the vision, Peter was perplexed as to its meaning.   Later on, when Peter heard Cornelius' testimony, “the light” came on: I most certainly understand now that GOD IS NOT ONE TO SHOW PARTIALITY, but in every nation the man who fears (God) and does what is right, is welcome to Him (Acts 10:34).  

          Over the last month we have witnessed numerous demonstrations (with many devolving into riots) with an array of protesters toting signs declaring “black lives matter”.  That black lives matter is a revealed truth that no discerning child of God can rightfully deny.  But an even broader truth is that “all lives matter”.  EVERY SOUL MATTERS TO GOD.  Yet, how strange it is that this broader truth is interpreted by some as conflicting with the former.  “ALL" IS INCLUSIVE.  In the words of the apostle Paul, “Through (Jesus) forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you, and through Him EVERYONE who believes is freed...” (Acts 13:39).  Our loving Creator and heavenly Father does not play favorites and neither should we.  THE GOSPEL IS FOR ALL -- red, yellow, black, brown, blue and white.  Let Christians everywhere give a hearty, Amen!   

                                                                                  Terry Siverd / Cortland Church of Christ