My First And Only
I'm not sure how old I was, perhaps 12 or so, that December long ago that I got a Daisy Red Ryder BB gun for Christmas. I knew it was coming - - having "sussed out” the surprise based on the way the package was wrapped. Despite repeated cautions from my dad, I loaded my rifle eagerly anticipating some outdoor target practice, but in my zeal I accidentally pulled the trigger lodging a BB in the living room ceiling. You’re probably not surprised to hear that. Other than a Roy Rogers cap pistol, that was my first and only gun. While I respect those of you who are avid hunters, I eventually found out that I was more inclined in handling the sword of the Spirit than a rifle. Please don’t weep for me, I’m comfortable in my skin. But, lest you start scheming a break-in let me forewarn you, I inherited my grandpa Siverd’s old 22-caliber rifle. I wouldn’t advise testing my aim!
Terry Siverd / Cortland Church Of Christ