

He Had Compassion



          God uses many means to mold our lives, such as parents & grandparents; teachers & preachers; friends & family; and events -- both good and bad, successes & failures.  However, God’s most prominent shaping tool is His holy word, that which we call The Bible - - a moral roadmap that provides instruction and guidance as to what to do and what not to do.  In particular the life of Christ supplies us with a model or template on how to live (vertically and horizontally or socially).  The gospels show us how Jesus lived, leaving us a valuable example to follow (1Pet.2:21 and 1Jn.2:6). 

          Jesus was compassionate and kind and so should we be.  The apostle Paul directs us to “cast off" certain behavior - - things like anger, wrath, malice, slander, abusive speech and lying (Col.2:8-9).  On the positive side, we are admonished to put on a heart of compassion and to be kind and tender-hearted.  cf. Col.3:12 and Eph.4:32.  Like our Lord, we are to have an inner affection (bowels of compassion) for those all around us.  Are you compassionate and kind?  Can the beauty of Jesus be readily seen in you?  The challenge for all of us is to actively look for ways to show kindness and compassion.  This may seem like a little assignment, but in the grand scheme of things it is really big.  In our quest to follow Jesus we must not minimize the little things.  Have you noticed how LITTLE THINGS CAN SOMETIMES MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE?  A soft heart or kindly-spoken words may open a door to friendship and that friendship might pave the way toward helping another become a follower of Christ Jesus.   


                                                                        Terry Siverd / Cortland Church of Christ