Psalms, Hymns And Spiritual Songs
When the Word of God richly dwells within us it will bubble up and flow forth in song (Col.3:16a). While the singing of such songs may prove to be entertaining, that is not their primary aim. For the church, the ultimate goal of singing is two-fold: TO PRAISE GOD and TO TEACH ONE ANOTHER. Singing is both an act of worship and a means of instruction. With song we give glory to God Almighty. With voices full of praise we engage in singing and making melody in our hearts to the Lord (Eph.5:19b). Such melodious expressions are to be immersed in gratitude - - always giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God, even the Father (Eph.5:20). In singing we also engage in teaching and admo-nishing one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs (Col.3:16b). In song, Paul urges us to take part in speaking to one another (Eph.5:19a).
Perhaps it is an image we don't dwell upon as often as we should - - JESUS WAS A SINGING SAVIOR! After Jesus instituted the Lord's Supper during “The Last Supper” (the Jewish Passover feast), the text of Scripture reads simply: After singing a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives (Mt.26:30). Jesus sang. Indeed, our Lord was steeped in the Psalms. What we know as The Old Testament Book of Psalms was actually the song-book of the Jewish people. In His sacrificial death on the cross Jesus prayed (sang) the psalms. When he cried out with a loud voice, My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken Me? (Mt.27:46), He was singing a psalm of David (Ps.22:1). When Jesus uttered His last words (so filled with pathos)
- - Father, into Thy hands I commit My Spirit (Lk.23:46), He was singing another psalm of David (Ps.31:5). We talk often (and rightly so) about want-ing to be like Jesus. Our Lord and Savior sang. If we really want to be more like our Lord, then we will soon find ourselves singing more and more!!
Terry Siverd / Cortland Church of Christ