

Having Become A Curse For Us


            As it should be, our thoughts at The Table Of The Lord often include a delineation of the sufferings of Christ on our behalf.  The psychological toll of the cross was tremendous, as noted by Dr. Luke’s reference to the anticipatory anguish borne by Jesus in prayer prior to the cross event  - - being in agony He was praying fervently; and His sweat became like drops of blood, falling down upon the ground (Lk.22:43).  Added to this mental pain is Judas’ betrayal (Lk.22:48); Peter’s denial (Lk.22:54-62); the arrest and mockery that followed (Lk.22:63ff); and finally, as Matthew observes, all the disciples left Him and fled (Mt.26:56).  This abridged list only scratches the surface of the mental heartache infused within His dreaded cross.

            Frequently our meditations focus on the physical sufferings that Jesus endured for us.  Prior to a crucifixion a scourging (Mt.27:26) was in-flicted that left one very near death’s door.  Jesus had been beaten so badly that He was unable to carry His cross (Lk.23:26).  In ridicule, soldiers wove a crown of thorns and put it on His head (Jn.19:2). Our Lord was then nailed to the cross (Jn.20:24ff).  His side was pierced and blood mingled with water poured forth (Jn.19:34).  For six long hours the fleshly body of our Lord and Savior Jesus was afflicted with excruciating torment.      

            However, this psychological and physical suffering pales in comparison to the spiritual anguish exacted upon Jesus.  The real HORROR OF THE CROSS was that in His death Jesus tasted the full brunt of God’s righteous judgment.  Paul’s words are unambiguous on this point:  Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law, HAVING BECOME A CURSE FOR US (cf. Gal.3:13 with 3:10).  For some period of time (for three hours or for three days?), the spotless Lamb of God was FORSAKEN BY HIS HOLY FATHER (Mt.27:46).  It was during this most grievous transaction made by The God of Heaven and Earth that (God) made (Jesus) who knew no sin TO BE SIN ON OUR BEHALF, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him (2Cor.5:21).  This is the critical element of the cross of Christ that it would serve us well to dwell upon.  Yes, Jesus suffered incomprehensible psychological distress and unimaginable physical agony.  But, by far, the very worst aspect of the cross was its GOD-FORSAKENESS!  It wasn’t just that Jesus suffered, bled and died, it was that in His suffering, bleeding and dying, HE HIMSELF BORE OUR SINS in His body on the cross (1Pet.2:24).

What wondrous love is this that caused the Lord of Bliss, to bear the dreadful curse, for my soul, for my soul.

                                                                                           Terry Siverd / Cortland Church of Christ