

The Songs Of Our Mothers


            In 1865, William Ross Wallace penned the poem that includes that now-famous refrain, for the hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world.  President Lincoln, who was assassinated in 1865, would have likely agreed.  He wrote, no man is poor who has had a godly mother.  The Sacred writings urge us to not forsake our mother’s teaching (Prov.1:8 & 6:20).  The influence of mothers on the lives of their children is utterly  incalculable.  Indeed, a woman who reverences the Lord, SHE SHALL BE PRAISED (Prov.31:30).  Godly mothers are WORTHY OF HONOR (Ex.20:12).  

            Perhaps you’ve noticed - - the hand that rocks the cradle is often accompanied by a sweet voice singing the little ones to sleep.  In His book, 101 Hymn Stories, Kenneth W. Osbeck comments on that ever-popular song, Jesus Loves Me:  “without doubt the hymn that has influenced child-ren for Christ more that any other is this simply stated one.”  Anna Bartlett Warner wrote these lyrics in 1860 and William Bradbury composed the music and added the refrain in 1861.  Anna and her sister Susan (neither of whom were married or had children of their own) taught Sunday School classes for the young cadets enrolled at the West Point Military Academy, which was located very near their home on the Hudson river.  One can only imagine how many God-fearing mothers have engaged in singing Anna Warner’s simple but profound song to their own beloved children?  

          This morning our worship will feature some of our mothers’ favorite hymns.  If you listen closely, these songs will reveal much about the hearts of these dear women.  It remains a genuine virtue to be “busy at home” (Titus 2:5)!  What better business could one engage in that shaping the hearts and minds of children who will one day rule the world?  We may forget some of what is taught to us in the days of our youth, but the odds are great that we will never forget our mother’s songs.  So, dear mommies, if I could tweak Paul’s words just a bit without doing harm to the text, let me leave you with this important charge.  When you rock your child to sleep, let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing (your little ones) with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God (Col.3:16).  Trust me - - your child and the world will be forever grateful!!

                                                                                         Terry Siverd / Cortland Church of Christ