Our Broken Lives
Last Sunday Vic Rossi delivered a powerful and touching sermon from Luke 7:36-39, regarding “the woman who was a sinner”.
Those who missed it can soak in this good sermon by visiting our website ( Here are a few sermon quotes.
Jesus gives us this kind of different lens to look at broken things…Unlike us, when Jesus sees broken, He sees beautiful. He sees something of value.
She must have believed that Jesus could heal her brokenness and be able to make her whole. Just think, she would never have been invited
to this or any gathering, but she walks in. This was not a safe place for her. But she felt compelled to chance whatever may happen.
She had to see Jesus. She was desperate. To those gathered for this meal she was broken beyond repair. A Pharisee would see (her as) someone who was a ‘throw-away’, but she hoped and she trusted that that’s not how Jesus would see her.
She was broken (and) felt no way out, hoping that Jesus could help her to escape a life of despair. She was now putting her life in the hands of the Lord. By Jesus allowing this to happen He was saying to her and those gathered that this was a beautiful act. He sees her brokenness as beautiful.