The Names We Wear
The Names we wear
Jesus gave one of apostles, Simon, a new name (cf. Mk.3:16; Lk.6:14 & Jn.1:42). Jesus nicknamed him Cephas (Aramaic/kepha) or Peter (Greek/petros) - - both names mean “rock”. Simon (which means “snub-nosed”) was likely thrilled to wear this new name. Although he vacillated at times, Peter came to live up to his new name, becoming a foundation stone (Eph.2:20) and a pillar in the Lord’s church (Gal.2:9). Jesus also gave James & John the nickname, “Boanerges”, which means sons of thunder (Mk.3:17). This was probably a reference to their tempestuous dispositions (cf. Lk. 9:54). It appears that Jesus’ nickname for them was designed to remind them of how not to be. Fortunately they seemed to have outgrown their nickname. John’s writings overflow with pictures of love & gentleness.
Another one of the twelve apostles was known as Simon the Zealot. A “zealot” was recognized as a Jewish extremist - - one who sometimes engaged in assassinating the opposition. But history tells us that this Simon, in his earnest desire to follow Jesus, traded in his dagger for a cross. Another of the Twelve was known as Judas Iscariot. Some have argued that “Iscariot” has reference to the Latin word “sicarius” (knife-bearing assassins / cf. Acts 21:38). It more likely refers to his place of dwelling - - Ish (man) of Kerioth (Josh.15:25).
It is possible that Judas was the only non-Galilean among the twelve. It is difficult to psychoanalyze Judas. What caused him to betray
Jesus? Was he trying to “help” Jesus by forcing Him to flex His messianic muscles? Was he wickedness incarnate (Jn.13:2 & Lk.22:3)? John’s gospel candidly reveals that Judas was labeled a “thief” (Jn.12:6). Whatever motivated Judas, his end was tragic (Mt.27:5).
Nicknames and labels are not all bad - - some can even be terms of endearment. But we must be careful to not label others in ways that can harm them. And we must be ever mindful, even when someone seems to be deserving of a label (such as “thief”), that GOD HAS THE POWER TO CHANGE EVERY LIFE FOR THE BETTER. How marvelous it is to wear the name of Christ - - “Christian”.
Terry Siverd / Cortland Church of Christ