

Is THIS the Day Foretold?

Link to sermon video: Is THIS the Day Foretold? - L Siegle

“Is THIS the Day Foretold?”

(I Thess. 4:13-18)


Thesis:  How can we KNOW that a verse teaches something?



1.  The title of this message is, “Is THIS the Day Foretold?”.  

2.  Something happens and there is an endless amount of hype and speculation

     that suddenly goes into it.

     a.  Current events in world history are causing the focus of attention, once

          again, on Armageddon and the ‘End of the World’

          1)  The problem of inflation, and rising prices and interest rates.

          2)  The ‘global pandemic’ with COVID-19 and the effect it has had on our

                work, our lives, our friends, our families--touching nearly every aspect

               of life.

          3)  The war between Russia and Ukraine…

          4)  The sudden outbreak of war in the Middle East…

          5)  The 3,583 earthquakes world-wide so far in 2024…

          6)  The increase in crime and violence in cities across America…

          7)  The increase in poverty and unemployment…

          8) The problem of ‘climate change’--the global environment…

     b.  All of these ‘statistics’ are cited as PROOF we are living on the brink of

          disaster and that the world as we know it could ‘end’ any moment!

3.  How can we know with 100% certainty that TOMORROW--this 4:28 seconds

     of the 2024 ‘Solar Eclipse’ is not a “sign of the times” of a sudden RAPTURE,

     or of the ‘End of the World’?


1.  How can we know with certainty that the ‘End of the World’ is not coming,

     and the destruction of this physical planet is a misunderstanding?

     a.  Since the first century, there is a documented list of ‘failed predictions’ listed on Wikipeda, and other sources…hundreds of ‘end of the world’ related predictions have been made, all of which have failed to occur!

     b.  Each “generation” moves forward (Eccl. 1:4; Psa. 78:69; 104:5).

     c.  It is the power of God that holds ‘all things’ together (Col. 1:15-17; Heb.

          1:3; Psa. 33:6-11).

2.  The hype and confusion of those looking at the Scriptures and making

     predictions about Armageddon, the Antichrist, Great Tribulation, Second

     Coming of Christ, and ‘End of the World’ are the result of improper principles

     of interpretation.


1.  The Bible is a collection of 66 books, record by about 40 different writers,

     over a period of 1500 years--all harmonious, telling ONE STORY--inspired

     by God (II Tim. 3:16, 17; I Pet. 1:10-12; II Pet. 1:20, 21).

2.  Whether studying the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, the nature of God, the

     meaning of grace, how to receive salvation, or ANY subject, there four

     constituent elements are found--whatever the TOPIC

3.  Everything found within the confines of the inspired Word of God includes

     these four aspects:

     a.  FACT:   You go to the Scriptures and collect EVERY verse related to a particular TOPIC.  This answers the what of the text.

          1)  The word “grace” is found in our English Bibles in 137 verses, a total of

               148 times.

          2)  You define what the word “grace” means

          3)  You look at the context in which the word “grace” appears.

     b.  TIME:  When is this aspect of “grace” happening in the text?  Who is the audience to which “grace” is being offered?

          1)  Is this “grace” being applied to those under the Old Covenant?

          2)  Is this “grace” being applied to those under the New Covenant?

     c.  MANNER:  How is this “grace” being given and received?  What is God doing with regard to this application of “grace”?  What is the reaction of the people who are receiving this “grace”?

     d.  PURPOSE:  For what purpose has this “grace” been offered and what are the benefits for those who receive this “grace”?

4.  The account of Noah and the flood (Gen. 6:5-8).

     a.  The FACT is that God was going to bring judgment. (Gen. 6:11-13, 17)

     b.  The TIME was going to extend 120 years of “last days” (Gen. 6:3).

     c.  The MANNER was going to be a “flood” with “grace” extended to those

          who would enter into God’s place of safety--the Ark (Gen. 6:18-22).

     d.  The PURPOSE was to destroy the wicked and to save the righteous who listened to the preaching and warning of Noah (II Pet. 2:5).

5.  All of the “constituent elements” related to HOW God extended “grace” in the

     midst of judgment are found in the Scriptures.


1.  These four elements (fact, time, manner, and purpose) are found also in the

     context of what the Bible teaches about “end-times” in the NT.

2.  This is HOW we can know with 100% certainty that whatever happens

     TOMORROW with the ‘solar eclipse’ that it has NOTHING whatsoever to do

     with what the Bible describes at the ‘end times’

     a.  The “last days” (Joel 2:28-32; Acts 2:16-21)--(F,T,M,P)--

          1)  The “last days” of Old Covenant Israel (Matt. 3:7-12).

          2)  The “end of the age” foretold (Matt. 24:3; 28:20).

          3)  The “generation” living at the time of Christ and the apostles (Matt.

               23:36; 24:34).

          4)  The “gospel preached as a witness” (Matt. 24:14; Col. 1:23).

          5)  It was the “last hour” (I John 2:18).

3.  The TIME STATEMENTS demonstrate the ‘nearness of expectation’ in the

     first century

     a.  The Kingdom was “at hand” (Matt. 3:2; 4:17; 16:27, 28).

     b.  The “end of all things” was “at hand” (I Pet. 4:7).

     c.  The “coming of the Lord” was “at hand” (James 5:7-9)

     d.  The events of Revelation pictured must “shortly come to pass” the time

          was “at hand” (Rev. 1:1, 3).

4.  In order to understand the Scriptures, we MUST take our eyes off of what the

     news media has to say, what the immediate conditions of the world appear to


5.  There will be NO RAPTURE, and NO END OF THE WORLD

     tomorrow…there will be a solar eclipse that will last 4:18 seconds--nothing

     more, nothing less, nothing else!

     a.  IF Armageddon happens tomorrow, it will be because there is a Bruce

          Willis movie on TV, not because it is the actual ‘end of the world.’

     b.  We do not need emotion, and unnecessary hype, we need to simply believe

          the proven testimony of God’s inspired Word to lead us and guide us.


1.  I hope these four principles of interpretation will help us in our study of any

     and every subject found within the Scriptures--each of them is always


2.  God wants each of us to enter into an intimate and living relationship with

     Him, to draw closer to Him each and every day.

3.  The speculations we see and hear about everyday are simply a source of

     distraction to draw people AWAY from who God is and what God has done.

4.  May each of us humble ourselves and trust in the extent of HIS love and HIS

     grace today.

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