

A Pat On The Back Or A Kick In The Pants

We will start by watching a 4 minute video that I showed in the past at the Opera House.  This short video makes a good introduction to this morning’s sermon.

Watching this we can see a lot of life’s lessons.  We can see the best in man and what the Lord teaches us about caring for our fellow man.


This short video demonstrates what we will be presenting this morning.  The title of our sermon is, “A Pat On The Back Or A Kick In The Pants.”

Another words, are we as individuals encouragers or discouragers?

We should from time to time reflect within ourselves whether we tend to encourage others more than we discourage them.

Do we look for the good in others or do we look for ways to criticize.  Do we find that we are putting others down way more than lifting them up? 

Do we look for opportunities to put others down but when someone does good we just think to ourselves, “Well, they are supposed to do that so I don’t have to complement them!

In this short video of this father going to great lengths to involve his son in life rather than hiding him in a room, we see all those people clapping and calling out with encouragement.  How many hearts were encouraged just by watching a father sacrifice so much for his son!

I learn from this that encouragement is contagious.  Encouragement goes way farther than discouragement will ever go.

There may have been some that thought this father was wasting his time and energy trying to involve his son in this event. 

That his son wouldn’t appreciate what was happening.  The nay sayers would be in full negative mode knowing what this father was training for.  “You’re going to run in the ironman competition in Kona Hawaii?  And do so with your disabled son?  Are you nuts?  What would you do if your son fell out of the raft?  How could you possibly steady the bike with your son strapped onto it? Are you looking for a heart attack?

But we could see by the look on the young man’s face and the faces of the crowds that the son and the crowds were encouraged and would remember that moment their entire life!

Again, encouragement is contagious!

 Even though this father was out to encourage his son he ended up encouraging millions!  What started as a close family event turned out to be Awe inspiring.  I’ve seen on one news show where the home town of this father and son built a statue of the both of them.  This was their way of solidifying this event for all time.  A tribute not only of a father’s love but a show of what a little encouragement can do and how it can spread!

We can easily find countless examples of encouragement in the bible.  We will be looking at just a few this morning.

Our main verses are from the book of Acts.  Chapter 4:36, 37

But before we dig in a brief thought: There is an old story about a preacher leaving a church.  At his farewell dinner, he tried to encourage one of the founding members that looked very sad, “Don’t be so sad.  The next preacher might be better than me.”  “That’s what they said before you came but it just keeps getting worse!”

That wasn’t a very encouraging thing to hear was it?

Brings to mind the verse found in James chapter 1:19, that reminds us to be quick to hear and slow to speak!

We all need encouragement!

Life gets quite challenging at times and all of us need encouragement to help even out our walk through this life.

There are times when we need someone to be there to lift us up.

I would think that all of us want to be known as someone who is always there with an encouraging word.

I remember this one person coming to me and asking why no one liked him.  Why everyone was always busy when he wanted to get together.  I asked him if he really wanted to know my opinion on his question.  He said that’s why I asked you.  I said, “Ok, here it is.”  I mean no harm to you but to be frank, you’re always negative.  Instead of looking for the negative in people try looking for the positive in others and express that when you’re talking to them.  You might be amazed at how people will quickly see you in a different light.  They will be more open to you.  They don’t see you as offering constructive criticism, just criticism.  Your comments need to be more balanced.  Try looking for the good in people.


With some people constructive criticism is an oxymoron.  There is nothing intended to be constructive just destructive!

That my friends is not the Christian way!  We are to be encouragers not discouragers.

Let’s all open our bibles to the book of Acts chapter 4:36

The church was young.  It had just gotten its start there in Jerusalem and all of the church was in one accord the scriptures tell us.  The apostles were preaching and teaching every day and more and more believed that Jesus was their long awaited Messiah and they were placing their faith in Him and what He had done on the cross for them.  They were excited about the good news from God that the apostles were preaching to them.  Just imagine how encouraging that was to people with no hope and no real answers to life.  We discover through the growth of the church that encouragement truly is contagious!

The scripture says they were selling their property so that everyone in the church would be provided for.

There is one man though that was singled out for his generosity and encouragement of others.

Let’s read that again: Read v 36

His name was Joseph but we don’t know him by this name.  This is the last time that his proper name is used in scripture for him.  His nickname was Barnabas.

Think about it, the apostles gave him that nickname.

How many of us have been given a nickname?  I found out that Don was given a nickname at work – “Dinky”  Since I let that out I’ll give you mine that was pegged on me at work, “Woody”  I asked why that name? I was told because of two reasons, one, you said one of your favorite movies was Toy Story and two because you got a wooden head!

Our nicknames don’t really mean anything but Joseph’s nickname Barnabas did!

Names had a meaning in Jesus’ day.  Barnabas meant “Son of Encouragement” or encourager.

Barnabas’ character as an encourager was so well know that they actually changed his name.  His nickname became who he was.

As we explore the New Testament we find that everywhere he went, Barnabas was an encourager.

Acts 11:22-24 (READ)

The church was expanding and starting to reach the gentiles.  When the church in Jerusalem heard about this, guess what they did, they sent an encourager!

They sent the encourager Barnabas.

Everywhere you find Barnabas in scripture, you will find encouraging going on.

Even when the great apostle Paul was upset with John Mark and didn’t want him to be part of his ministry team anymore Barnabas chose to stay and encourage John Mark.

We find that in Acts 15:36-40 (READ)

Paul didn’t want John Mark with them because he saw him as a quitter.  One who wouldn’t follow through on his commitments.

Barnabas saw a young man who needed encouragement.  Barnabas always looked for the positive in others.  He never let the negative rule his thoughts.

Obviously it worked!  This young man we call John Mark is the writer of the Gospel we title as Mark!

Something happened in those few years between Barnabas taking him under his wing and the writing of the Gospel of Mark.  He went from a young man not committed to one that wrote about the life and purpose of the Lord Jesus the Christ.

I don’t know all that happened in John Mark’s life in the intervening years between Paul’s rejection and the writing of the Gospel of Mark, but I would think that Barnabas had a lot to with it.  Barnabas did not abandon him but spent time with him and encouraged him.

Our words do mean something when addressed to others.  An encouraging word at the right time can change a life.  But let’s not forget that a discouraging word can as well.

How do you think it can make someone feel when they hear from another that, “You will never amount to anything.” Or “You are worthless.” “You’re just dumb.” “Man that’s an ugly baby.”

 And I’m sure you can come up with many more negative comments.  Perhaps some directed towards you or uttered by you.

The Greek word we translate as encourage is “parakaleo”

This word in its original form means, “To call to one’s side, to comfort, to console, to strengthen.”

When we encourage others we walk beside them which means to share in their life by way of support and strengthening.

To do what we can to strengthen rather than to tear down.


The first thing we must realize in order to be an encourager is that encouragement must be spoken!

It doesn’t do any good to just think good thoughts about a person.  We need to let them know in order to encourage them.  This is rather obvious but we don’t do it enough.  We need to learn to speak words that encourage others.

Acts 13:15 “ After the usual readings from the books of Moses and the prophets, those in charge of the service sent them this message: “Brothers, if you have any word of encouragement for the people, come and give it.”

Paul and Barnabas had just arrived in Antioch and had gone to the synagogue on the Sabbath for worship.  What would happen at these services was the reading of part of what we call the Old Testament.  After they did that people would stand and speak.

Here we have Paul and Barnabas who are asked if they have any words of encouragement to share.  Their reputations preceded them.  They certainly would not have been invited if they were known for ripping into people and tearing them down.  Remember, encouragement is contagious!

Think about it, are we any different?  All of us look for words of encouragement.  Words that build us up, words that affirm that what we are doing is ok.

Words that will help us in times of despair and trouble.  Words that will help us stay the course when times get tough.


While we need to speak words of encouragement, it doesn’t take much effort to speak words of discouragement.  It’s easy to put someone down, isn’t it?

Scripture warns us about this repeatedly;

James 3:2-6 – “Indeed, we all make mistakes.  For if we could control our tongues, we would be perfect and could also control ourselves in every other way.”

“We can make a large horse go wherever we want by means of a small bit in its mouth. And a small rudder makes a huge ship turn wherever the pilot chooses to go, even though the winds are strong”

“In the same way, the tongue is a small thing that makes grand speeches.  But a tiny spark can set a great forest on fire”

The words that we choose to use are very important.  We need to think and speak slowly!  James says in Chapter 1 verse 19; “Let everyone be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger.”

Ann Landers once said, “The trouble with talking too fast is you might say something you haven’t thought of yet!”

Eph. 4:29; “Don’t use foul language.  Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.”

I’m sure most have heard of hoof and mouth disease that cattle get.

Sometimes in our rush to speak and discourage we get what can be called, “Foot in mouth disease!”

We must be careful to not let our words discourage!

One subject that we just don’t have time to approach this morning is social media.  There is a lot of good this medium can be used for but there is also a lot of negativity associated with it as well.  We will just say this, “Are your words on social media ones that comfort, uplift and inspire?

“Not only do we encourage with our words, we encourage with our actions.”

We have all heard the saying that actions speak louder than words.  We could rephrase this to, “Our actions need to match our words.”

People need a warm touch sometimes.  Like hug with no words necessary.  Just the action of comforting and encouraging.

Most of all people need our prayers.  What an act of encouragement to pray for someone.  Let them know you are praying for them.

In closing:  We encourage by our actions and our words.

Let us all begin today to be an encourager.  To lift others up.  That is the Christian way!


Someone said;

Flatter me, and I may not believe you

Criticize me, and I may not like you

Ignore me, and I may not forgive you

But encourage me, and I will not forget you.

We need to be in the business of encouragement. And if we have any message of encouragement for others, speak it!



To those who haven’t yet accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, know this.  The most encouraging words ever spoken was spoken by God when He said, (John 3:16”)

Jesus said, “I have come to seek and save the lost”

In that short video we began with, we see a father’s love for his son and what he sacrificed to encourage him.  Our Father, Our God sacrificed His Son so that we could be encouraged by knowing that through the Son’s sacrifice we have the forgiveness of sin.

Jesus went to the cross to forgive you.  There is no greater love than what God has done for each one of us.  God loves you that much!  And He offers you an opportunity to be called among His children.

As we stand and sing this song, We encourage you to come forward and be baptized for the forgiveness of your sins and start your walk with the Lord.

Let’s stand and sing!

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