Online Sermons

Online Sermons

Lesson #20 - The Apostle Paul - Pt B

Series: The Fourteen Apostles






(1) Would it be fair to label Saul as a first-century terrorist?

 (2) Was Saul a member of the Jewish Sanhedrin?

(3) Did Saul know Jesus of Nazareth?


(4) In what ways might Saul have engaged in kicking against the goads?


~ Acts 9:4 provides Luke's account of the words spoken by Jesus to Saul of Tarsus while he was on the road to Damascus.

Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?

In Acts 26:14, Paul recounts his conversion before King Agrippa noting that the heavenly voice (Jesus), said to him,

Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?  It is hard for you to kick against the goads.


~ What is the meaning of this “kicking-against-the-goads” metaphor?

It seems to imply that Saul was rejecting the leading (prodding) of God.


In what way had Saul been kicking against the goads?  

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? As a well-bred Pharisee, Saul had been steeped in the Old Testament Scriptures.

The training of his youth would have provided a through knowledge of the prophetic utterances regarding the Messiah.

cf. Acts 26:4  with  Acts 22:2

Had he not engaged in critical examination regarding Jesus’ credentials?


Gen.3:15 & Gal.4:4/born of woman … Isa.7:14 & Mt.1:18f/born of a virgin … Gen.21:12 & Lk.3:23f/descendant of Isaac ...

Num.24:17 & Lk.3:23f/son of Jacob … Gen.49:10 & Lk.3:23f/son of Judah … Isa.11:1 & Lk.3:23f/son of Jesse …

Jer.23:5/ & Lk.3:23f/son of David … Mic.5:2 & Mt.2:1/born in Bethlehem … Ps.72:10 & Mt.2:2/presented with gifts … 

Isa.39:1 & Mt.4:12/fministry in Galilee … Zech.9:9 & Lk.19:35/enter Jerusalem on a donkey … Zech.11:12 & Mt.26:15/30 pieces of silver …

Isa.53:3 & Jn.7:5 & 48/rejected by His own people … Ps.34:20 & Jn.19:33/bones not broken … Isa.53:9 & Mt.27:57/rich man's tomb


? Had Saul heard of or witnessed first-hand any of the miracles of Jesus?

As a contemporary of Jesus (4-5 years younger than Jesus), did he ever hear Jesus preach?

If so, did he hear but refuse to accept Jesus' messages and miracles?

Could Saul have been the scribe mentioned in Mk.12:27-34?

It's hard to imagine that Saul would neither have heard Jesus speak nor have witnessed His crucifixion.  cf. 2Cor.5:16


? Did he reject the counsel of Gamaliel, his mentor?  cf. Acts 5:38-39

...If this plan or action should be of men, it will be overthrown, but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them.


? Did Saul have any interaction with Nicodemus, a fellow Pharisee who believed?  cf. Jn.3:1f;  7:50f and  19:39

Did he ever discuss or debate the identity of Jesus with Joseph of Arimathea?

Joseph was a prominent member of the Sanhedrin Council (Mk.15:43 & Lk.15:50f) and a disciple of Jesus (Jn.19:38).


? Did he ignore (repress) the manner in which Stephen died?  cf. Acts 7:54-60

Did he not ponder the words of Stephen regarding the destruction of the temple?  cf. Acts 6:14

This Nazarene, Jesus, will destroy this place (i.e. the temple and city) and alter the customs which Moses handed down to us.

Had not the Old Testament prophets written and spoke at length about that very same thing? cf. Dan.9:24f


? Had he not noted the boldness of the apostles?

Did he not consider the origins of their boldness, along with their many and signs & wonders?  e.g., Acts chapter 2 & 4


? After his conversion, Paul reflects (Gal.1:15) - - When He who had set me apart,even from my mother's womb,

and called me through His grace, was pleased to reveal his Son in me.  cf. Ps.139:13ff

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