Online Sermons

Online Sermons

Lesson #11 - Serving One Another

Series: The One-Another Way



1. What aspect of Jesus' Messianic role proved to be perplexing to others?


~ As the Jews anticipated the arrival of their Messiah one of the more popular expectations  was that

He would be a mighty KING who would conquer their enemies and rule with sovereignty and strength.


~ Jesus as the personification of a SERVANT was not even on the radar.

Even less imagined was the notion that Israel's Messiah would be a SUFFERING SERVANT.

- The question asked by the Ethiopian treasurer illustrates this “blind spot”.

While reading from the scroll of Isaiah (chapter 53), the treasurer seem was baffled and asked Philip - -

Of Whom does the prophet say this?  Of himself, or of someone else? (Acts 8:30-35).

Beginning with this suffering-servant passage, Philip preached to him about Jesus.


~ This “version” of the Messiah came to be emphasized repeated by Jesus in His instructions to His disciples.

Mt.20:28 / ...the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to SERVE, and give His life a ransom for many. cf. Mk.10:45

Lk.22:27b / I am among you as THE ONE WHO SERVES.

Jn.13:5 / (Jesus) poured water into the basin, and began WASHING THE DISCIPLES' FEET...


~ This suffering servant motif becomes the focal point in Paul's depiction of the atoning work of Christ.  cf. Philp.2:5f


2. Do the New Testament Scriptures implore Jesus' followers to echo and imitate this servant mentality?


~ Jesus taught them to follow in His steps saying, The greatest among you shall be your servant (Mt.23:11).

cf. Mt.20:25-28;  Mk.9:35b & 10:42-45;  Lk.22:24-27  and  Jn.13:1-15


~ The apostles taught the same.

- Paul writes, Through love serve one another (Gal.5:13) … With good will render service (Eph.6:7-8) …

Have the same attitude as Christ Jesus … (Who) emptied Himself taking the form of a bond-servant (Philp.2:5-7).

Help the weak (1Thess.5:14) … Let them serve all the more (1Tim.6:2) … Do not neglect doing good and sharing (Heb.13:16).

The apostle Paul viewed himself as an apostle (1Cor.1:1), but also as a BOND-SERVANT of Jesus Christ (Philp.1:1 & Titus 1:1).

- Peter exhorts, As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another(1Pet.4:10).


3. Does Jesus view our service to others as service to Him?

Read from Mt.25:34ff, noting - - 40 & 45

Vs.40 / the extent that you did it one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.

Vs.45 / … To the extent that you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.


4. How do we serve others?

~ Meeting Needs / Mt.10:42 (a cup of cold water)  cf. 1Tim.6:18 with Titus 3:1, 8 & 14

~ Offering gift$ that help supply needs / 1Cor.11:9

~ Providing comfort and companionship / cf. Acts 19:22 & 23:23

~ Being a helper / cf. Rom.16:1-2 & 6;  1Cor.16:15-18;  Eph.6: 6-7;  Philp.2:25ff  and  Col.4:7

Col.3:17 / whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord...




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