

Gateway Virtues


         The caboose of a litany of vices inscribed by the apostle Paul includes four words rarely used in the New Testament:  Asunetos, Asunthethos, Astorgos and Aneleemon (Rom.1:31).  These Greek words are translated, respectively:  Undiscerning, Untrustworthy, Unloving and Unmerciful, or as rendered in the NIV - -  senseless, faithless, heartless and ruthless.  These are what we might call FIRST-RESPONDER CHRISTIAN GRACES.         

          If we un-negate these vices, the intrinsic value of these virtues can be seen clearly in the story of the Good Samaritan (Lk.10:30ff).  How sad that the priest and the Levite exemplified these negatives.  Yet, how beautiful it is to see these vices flipped by the good Samaritan, who seemed to have a clear comprehension of the importance of these weightier matters (Mt.23:23).  Suppose for a moment that the priest and Levite both expe-rienced remorse several days later, do you think the man left half dead (Lk.10:30) would have been inclined to study the Bible with them?  It’s not likely.  Contrariwise, imagine that when the good Samaritan returned from his journey he asked the man half dead to study the Bible.  He would have surely proven receptive to such an offer.  Being trustworthy, loving and merciful with those around us makes good sense - - IT IS  THE CHRIST-LIKE THING TO DO.  We must deem these virtues to be a priority!  They are gateways for the spread of the glorious gospel of Christ.

                                                                                                    Terry Siverd / Cortland Church of Christ