

A Pervasive Joy



          How does one explain Heb.12:2 - - who for the JOY set before Him (He) endured the cross?  In His humanity Jesus dreaded the cross.  With ex-

ceptional fervency Jesus prayed in the garden before His crucifixion:  Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Thine be done (Lk.22:39-44).  Some argue this “joy" stemmed from the anticipation of the salvation that would redound to mankind.  While this element was no doubt present, I sense that something is missing in this explanation that doesn’t do justice to the mind of Christ.  For Jesus, the cross was not just a plan of redemption, it was God’s plan and thereby an instrument that would plant Him most intimately into the presence and will of God the Father.  As our Lord stated early in His ministry, My food is to do the will of Him who sent me (Jn.4:34) and I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me (Jn.6:38).  Jesus found joy in obedience.  More often than not, joy is not found while looking for it, but comes as a byproduct of faithful obedience.  This idea, woefully neglected though it be, is absolutely critical to walking the way of the cross

          Are we a joy-filled church?  In describing the early Christians Luke states, the disciples were continually filled with joy... (Acts 13:53).  The joy they possessed was pervasive, infiltrating and permeating every aspect of their life in Christ.  Even in the midst of trials, they found cause for re-joicing and glorifying God (Js.2:1 and 1Pet.4:16).  We are going to have down days, times of sorrow and heartache, even days when we might not feel like smiling.  We will face a plethora of difficulties as we embark upon a lifelong journey with Jesus.  But through it all, and in it all, we must be FILLED WITH JOY -- a bonafide joy that's readily visible to all around us.  May God grant us shalom, a peace that passes all understanding (Philp.4:7).       


                                                                                                                            Terry Siverd / Cortland Church of Christ