

The Father's Good Pleasure


          It stretches our thinking to contemplate that Jesus became sin on our behalf (2Cor.5:21).  That He bore our sins and became a curse for us is almost too much to fathom - - it sounds like news too good to be true (cf. 1Pet.2:24 and Gal.3:13).  Yet the prophet Isaiah divulges another dynamic facet of the atonement that almost defies comprehensionThe Lord was PLEASED TO CRUSH HIM, putting Him to grief; if He would render Himself as a guilt offering (Isa.53:10).  The gift of His only begotten Son was not given by The Father begrudgingly.  How could it be that God was pleased to offer Christ on the cross?  The source of The Father’s pleasure was not that Christ suffered and died (and had to be forsaken).  What pleased God was the end result of such - - that by means of His sacrifice Jesus would “bring many sons to glory” (Heb.2:10).  We might prefer a word other that “pleased” to describe this sacred transaction, but we dare not re-write Holy Scripture.  If you think Isaiah misspoke, please consider the words of the apostle Paul:  It was THE FATHER’S GOOD PLEASURE for all the fullness to dwell in Him, and through Him to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross (Col.1:19-20).  The offering up of Jesus was the KIND INTENTION of our heavenly Father (Eph.1:5-7).  The cross of our Lord resulted in the freely bestowed…riches of His grace…which He lavished upon us (Eph.1:6, 7 & 8).       

          That which pleased The Father also motivated The Son to complete the mission of the cross.  It was for the JOY set before Him (that He) endured the cross (Heb.12:2).  The offering of Jesus on the cross became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey (Heb.5:9).  It was by means of the cross that eternal redemption was obtained for humankind (Heb.9:12).  For our sake Jesus became poor, so that we through His poverty might become rich (2Cor.8:9).  By His cross we receive the adoption as sons and become heirs (Gal.4:5 & 7).  The essence of Jesus’ earthly pilgrimage was that (He) came into the world to save sinners (1Tim.1:15).       

          The fact that God was willing to pay such a steep price to bring about reconciliation, redemption and restoration proclaims The Father’s deep love for us as human beings.   Indeed, this is the greatest love mankind has ever known.  John writes, see how great a love the Father has bestowed upon us, that we should be called children of God… (1Jn.3:1).  Pondering the cross causes us to humbly bow in prayer and then to joyfully lift our voices, singing with thankfulness in our hearts to God (Col.3:16).  Faithful love from above came to earth to show the Father’s love.  And I’ll never be same, for I’ve seen faithful love face to face, and Jesus is His name.

                                                                                              Terry Siverd / Cortland Church of Christ