

Nurturing The Body Of Christ


          We all know that Jesus was a very busy man.  Just reading of His daily activities in the gospels makes us yearn for a nap.  Yet, despite such a pressing schedule, Jesus always seems to have time for table fellowship.  Luke’s gospel seems to highlight various dinner engagements:  Levi’s house/Lk.5:27-32 … Simon’s house/Lk.7:36-50 … at the home of Mary & Martha/Lk.10:38-42 … at the home of unnamed Pharisees/Lk.11:37-54 & 14:1-24 … Zacchaeus’ house/Lk.19:1-10 … and at Emmaus/Lk.24:13-35.  Could it be that there is something aboutthe breaking of breadthat serves to nurture THE BODY OF CHRIST and deepen our bonds of affection for our brothers and sisters?  As bread nourishes our bodies, the breaking of bread nourishes our soul and enhances life in The Body.      

          The early church captured this spirit of Christ.   It’s not surprising that after Jesus’ ascension, the first gathering of the disciples was in the upper room (the very place where the last supper or the Lord’s supper had transpired / cf. Lk.22:12 with Acts 1:12ff).  On the first Pentecost after the Lord’s crucifixion, Luke notes in Acts 2:46, And day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals with gladness and sincerity of heart…  When Peter fell asleep on   the housetop in Joppa, he received a vision about taking the gospel to the Gentiles - - a vision of “dining together” in the household of God (Acts 10:9-16).  When we gather together for table fellowship, be it a covered-dish luncheon, a L.I.F.E. gathering, a midweek simple supper or an all-church picnic, let us remember that this is THE JESUS WAY.  By means a simple meal we discover a common love - - the bond of love, through which our Father will work to bind us together.  “How sweet, how heavenly is the sight, when those that love the Lord in one another’s peace delight and so fulfill the Word.”  Blest be the tie that binds!

                                                  Terry Siverd / Cortland Church of Christ