

"Knowing" Him, Without Knowing It


          Some are guilty of promoting a version of Jesus that is actually foreign to the Scriptures.  Years ago, one writer coined a phrase “easy believism”.  We must not yield to the temptation to re-configure Jesus in an effort to make Him more palatable and easier to embrace.  Living in a secular culture indoctrinated with pluralism, we must not fall prey to a “revisionist” form of discipleship.  As citizens of the heavenly kingdom we are not free to compromise the hard saying of Jesus.  We dare not attempt to eradicate the cost of discipleship by creating a “lite church”.  The only invitation we can offer to others is to join in FOLLOWING IN THE STEPS OF JESUS  Such an undertaking requires that one enter the strait gate and travel the narrow way that leads to life (Mt.6:13-14).  

          Following Jesus has never been easy.  His teachings are often quite difficult to put into practice (read Mt.5, 6 & 7).  Following our Lord demands that we deny self, and take up our cross daily, and follow Him (Lk.9:23).  Genuine discipleship requires obedience and submission to the will of God - - two things that have always been challenging for us humans.  The only means by which we can rightly come come to know the way of Jesus is by soaking up the Scriptures.  Only there can we discover what it really means to walk in His steps (1Pet.2:21 and 1Jn.2:6).  It is wonderful to want to encourage others to journey with Jesus, but in our desire to do so we must not be guilty of painting a portrait of Jesus that is not revealed in the sacred Scriptures.  Our only source for “knowing Jesus” is the written word of God.  Only by knowing IT can we come to truly know HIM (Jn.5:46-47).   

                                                  Terry Siverd / Cortland Church of Christ